Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)
Public Access
Susceptibility to vaccine-preventable diseases in Belgium in 2006 was estimated from a serum survey. Immunoglobulins against measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and diphtheria at all available ages (1-65 years), and against tetanus in >40-year-olds, were measured by ELISA. Age-standardized overall seronegativity for MMR was low (3.9%, 8.0%, 10.4%, respectively). However, the World Health Organization’s targets for measles elimination were not met in 5- to 24-year-olds and about 1 in 7 women at childbearing age (15-39 years) were seronegative for rubella. In adults >40 years, tetanus immunity (87….