An interlaboratory proficiency test using metagenomic sequencing as a diagnostic tool for the detection of RNA viruses in swine fecal material.

Last updated on 8-1-2025 by Kevin Vanneste

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



UNLABELLED: Metagenomic shotgun sequencing (mNGS) can serve as a generic molecular diagnostic tool. An mNGS proficiency test (PT) was performed in six European veterinary and public health laboratories to detect porcine astroviruses in fecal material and the extracted RNA. While different mNGS workflows for the generation of mNGS data were used in the different laboratories, the bioinformatic analysis was standardized using a metagenomic read classifier as well as read mapping to selected astroviral reference genomes to assess the semiquantitative representation of astrovirus species mixtur…

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