Fri, 06/12/2024 - 09:00 to 16:30
You are invited to the study day of the Health Information Service of Sciensano, titled “Study Day Health Information and Policy — How can we maximise the potential of data linkages for health policy and research?” The event will be held on Friday, December 6, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels.
The study day focuses on the potential of linkages of health-related data in driving advancements in health policy and research in Belgium and addresses the opportunities for medico-administrative data linkages, as well as the main obstacles and solutions to achieve effective, safe, and ethical data linkage for public health research purposes.
Individual-level data linkages for health research purposes involve merging data from various sources like health care registers, administrative data, population surveys or health insurance data, through a unique identifier enabling comprehensive insights into health issues. By integrating diverse datasets, data linkage has the potential to significantly contribute to informed policy evaluation and development.
During this event you gain insights into different aspects of health data linkage from leading experts in the field. Keynote speakers are Katleen Janssens (Director Health Data Agency), Mahsa Shabani (Professor in Health Privacy Law UGent), Patrick Lusyne (Senior advisor Statbel), and Frank Robben (General Manager Crossroad Bank Social Security & eHealth-platform). Case studies presented by researchers Laura Van den Borre (Sciensano), Joachim Cohen (VUB), Lionel Larcin (ULB), and Pierre Smith (Sciensano) will highlight both challenges and best practices in data linkages across various health research topics. Panel discussions provide opportunities for the audience to engage and exchange ideas with key stakeholders. These panel discussions focus on efficient data access procedures, ethical challenges and strategies to advance beyond short-term data linkages, aiming to enhance existing data infrastructures with a long-term perspective.
We highly value interaction among attendees. Therefore, we provide networking opportunities throughout the day, and especially during lunch and the closing reception.
We look forward to your participation in this event and your contribution to the interesting discussion on enhancing the use of health data linkages for better policy and research outcomes.
Slides of the event
Check out the slides of the event!
Introduction and word of welcome by Prof. Brecht Devleesschauwer
- Keynote presentation by Katleen Janssens (Health Data Agency)
“Introduction of the Belgian Health Data Agency” - Case study HELICON data linkage by dr. Laura Van den Borre (Sciensano)
“Data linkage in a crisis: Insights from the HELICON project on COVID-19 hospitalizations and long-term health outcomes” - Panel discussion and Q&A
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
- Keynote presentation by Prof. Mahsa Shabani (Ugent)
“Towards the implementation of the EHDS across member states: expected challenges and opportunities” - Case study End-of-Life-Care data linkage by Prof. Joachim Cohen (VUB)
“Using big data to study end-of-life care” - Panel discussion and Q&A
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
- Keynote presentation by Patrick Lusyne (Statbel)
“From Practice to Stewardship: 10 years of Microdata Dissemination with Demobel” - Case study BeMeP data linkage by dr. Lionel Larcin (ULB)
“Linkage of medico-administrative databases to study medication use during pregnancy in Belgium: Challenges and Opportunities” - Panel discussion and Q&A
14:00-14:05 Intermezzo
- Keynote presentation by Frank Robben (Crossroad Bank Social Security & eHealth-platform)
“Valorizing health data for research and policy support: some ideas for enhancing data quality and data security” - Case study BELCOHORT+ data linkage by dr. Pierre Smith (Sciensano)
“Enriching a health cohort infrastructure with administrative data: perspectives and challenges” - Panel discussion and Q&A
15:15-16:00 Closing remarks & reception