The omnipresence of electrical appliances in everyday life is cause for concern. To date, no scientific study has been able to demonstrate harmful effects due to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Some studies have revealed statistical correlations, without, however, being able to explain the link between cause and effect. If in doubt, apply the precautionary principle.
Measurement of electromagnetic fields
It is possible to carry out tests to measure radiation from mobile phone antennas:
- Brussels: Bruxelles — Environnement | Se plaindre d'une exposition à un champ électromagnétique trop élevé
- Flanders: Departement Leefmilieu, Natuut & Energie | Zendantennes
- Wallonia: Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSEP)| Analyse des champs électromagnétiques par l’ISSeP or SOS Hotline, environment nature: 070/23 30 01
If there are reasons to justify it Elia, the electricity distribution network, can carry out measurements near their high voltage power lines.
For further useful addresses, see the brochure “Your guide in the electromagnetic landscape” (only in French and Dutch).