We spend most of our time indoors. Our activities, the objects and the materials that surround us release substances into the air that can be harmful to health.
How to diagnose indoor air pollution?
If you suspect a link between the symptoms you have and possible indoor pollution in your home, consult a doctor.
The context in which the symptoms appear may reveal a connection with a possible indoor air pollution:
- after a renovation
- after a move
- after installing new furniture
- in the presence of an animal
- in the presence of water infiltration.
On the basis of a first diagnosis, the doctor can ask the regional services to perform an air analysis at your home. Regional services such as the SAMIs in Wallonia and the CRIPI in Brussels or AZG in Flanders are generally called out to homes or public places. If you suspect indoor air pollution in your workplace, do not hesitate to contact the internal or external services for prevention and protection at work.
The microbiological samples (molds, bacteria) collected by the CRIPI in Brussels are then sent to Sciensano, which analyses them in its laboratories.
- Brussels: Bruxelles environnement | Cellule régionale d’intervention en pollution intérieure (CRIPI)
- Wallonia: Association des provinces wallonnes | Services provinciaux d’analyse des milieux intérieurs (SAMI)
- Flanders: Vlaanderen.be | Adviezen inzake de relatie tussen de kwaliteit van het milieu en gezondheid