
Last updated on 16-2-2023 by Lieke Vervoort

Our research projects illustrate the important role science and research plays at Sciensano. You can explore how science is conducted and the many types of science performed at Sciensano. You can find out about our partnerships and how Sciensano invests in research. You can also access reports and publications related to Sciensano’s scientific activities and discover the faces and places that make science happen at Sciensano. 

Acronym Start date End date Service Keywords
Contribution to the health-related information content of the Belgian 5G knowledge and learning platform Over5G September 24, 2021 September 23, 2025 Risk and health impact assessment electromagnetic fields, 5G, health, experimental studies, literature review
Coordination of the Risk Assessment Group RAG January 1, 2007 Foodborne pathogens, Viral diseases, Avian virology and immunology, Crisis Coordination risk analysis, crisis management
COVID-19 Health surveys COVID19HIS March 1, 2020 July 1, 2024 survey, COVID-19, mental health, social health, vaccination, lifestyle
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance CJD surveillance January 1, 1998 Epidemiology of infectious diseases neurology, mad cow disease, prion
Database of substances known by the Member States of the Council of Europe and used in food contact materials FCM Dbase January 1, 2018 Organic contaminants and additives database, food contact materials, QSAR, legislation, Council of Europe, risk indicator
Determination of propylene glycol levels in foodstuffs and exposure assessment for the Belgian population PROPYLENE GLYCOL DRINKS December 1, 2019 January 22, 2021 Organic contaminants and additives food additives, Propane-1, 2-diol (propylene glycol), E1520, non-alcoholic drinks, exposure assessment
Determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloid levels in baby products, iced teas, spices, subspecies of oregano and frozen leafy vegetables PASFOODEXTRA January 1, 2019 August 31, 2019 Organic contaminants and additives pyrrolizidine alkaloids, baby food, spice seeds, oregano, UPLC-MS/MS, exposure assessment
Determination of the predominant (co-)occurrences and single and combined exposures of food additives in the diet of different groups of the Belgian population MULTI_EXP_ADD December 1, 2020 December 31, 2021 Organic contaminants and additives, Risk and health impact assessment food additives, reformulation, multi-method, usage, exposure assessment
Development and application of differential diagnosis for respiratory viruses to improve surveillance and understanding of acute respiratory infectious disease in Belgium Respi October 1, 2015 December 31, 2019 Epidemiology and public health, Viral diseases influenza virus, respiratory viruses, severity, co-infection
Development and application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and metagenomics to improve influenza surveillance and pandemic preparedness in Belgium NGS Influenza June 1, 2017 December 31, 2021 Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics influenza virus, respiratory viruses, NGS, WGS, sequencing
Development and evaluation of approaches for detection of organisms modified by new genome editing techniques GENEDIT - RF20/6342 January 1, 2021 December 31, 2023 gene-edited organisms, GMO, Detection, food safety, traceability
Development and harmonization of innovative methods for comprehensive analysis of foodborne toxigenic bacteria TOX-detect January 1, 2018 June 30, 2021 bacterial toxins, food-poisoning outbreaks, toxigenic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, non-NGS
Development and implementation of a Belgian platform for the generation and use of “whole genome sequencing” (WGS) data for outbreak investigation, with the for human pathogenic Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) as case study May 1, 2018 December 31, 2021 Foodborne pathogens, Transversal activities in applied genomics NGS, outbreak, food safety, whole genome sequencing, NRL, NRC, STEC, human pathogenic Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli, applied genomics, food-borne outbreak, pathogen, isolate, metagenomics, norovirus
Development and validation of a novel life course microsimulation model linking diet to non-communicable diseases Micro-NCDs April 1, 2020 March 31, 2024 Health information modelling, non-communicable diseases, diet quality, microsimulation
Development of a digital PCR method for accurate detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 DIGICOVID January 1, 2021 January 1, 2022 Viral diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics, Viral reemerging enzootic and bee diseases ddPCR, epidemic, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, wastewater, clinical samples, surveillance
Development of a digital PCR method for accurate detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants DIGICOVID_VAR January 1, 2021 January 1, 2022 Foodborne pathogens, Viral diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics ddPCR, epidemic, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, wastewater, clinical samples, variants, surveillance
Development of a method to assess the diversity of SARS-CoV-2 circulating strains in Belgium COVIDDIVER January 1, 2021 January 1, 2022 Viral diseases, Cancer centre , Transversal activities in applied genomics ddPCR, epidemic, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, wastewater, clinical samples
Development of a multi-method for the analysis of additives in foodstuffs MULTIMADD November 16, 2018 January 31, 2021 Organic contaminants and additives food additives, multi class-multi method, banned substances
Development of a new generation of anti-tuberculosis vaccines for preventive and therapeutic approaches TB-LAV/LV-VAC January 1, 2018 December 31, 2019 Infectious diseases in humans tuberculosis, vaccine, lentiviral vector
Development of a new, ultra-fast diagnostic platform for the identification and drug-susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis TIDRACE May 1, 2015 December 31, 2019 Bacterial diseases drug resistance, mycobacterium tuberculosis, diagnostics
Development of a next-generation dual-target rabies/flavivirus plasmid-launched live-attenuated vaccine Rabyd-Vax January 1, 2017 December 31, 2020 Viral diseases, Immune response rabies, yellow fever, vaccine, plasmid, vector
Development of a prioritisation strategy for hazard characterisation of substances migrating from printed paper and board food contact materials based on their genotoxicity PRIMISTRA February 17, 2014 February 14, 2018 Risk and health impact assessment, Organic contaminants and additives food contact materials, printing inks, paperboard, genotoxicity, gene mutation, in silico, in vitro, 3R
Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardised methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial NanoDefine November 1, 2013 October 31, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, EC definition, TEM, dispersion protocols, software validation
Development of biomarkers for endocrine disruptors EDC BIRTHCOHORT April 1, 2015 December 31, 2019 Risk and health impact assessment endocrine disruptor, exposure, placenta, birth cohort (mother-child cohort)
Development of experimental models which aim to better understand the biology of emergent HPAI H5Nx viruses and to improve their detection and control EMERDIA-H5 II January 16, 2019 January 15, 2022 Avian virology and immunology avian influenza virus (AIV), emergent high pathogenic (HP)H5Nx, HPH5 characterisation
Development of innovative methodological approaches for the study of complex samples: application to the analysis of cannabis and derived products CANNAL October 1, 2019 October 1, 2024 Medicines and health products
Development of methods for detection of infectious Hepatitis E (HEV) in pork meat products and optimisation of processing practices to reduce infectivity DECHAHEV January 1, 2019 January 1, 2023 Foodborne pathogens, Viral diseases hepatitis E, foodborne infection, pork meat, pig and wild boar food products, molecular methods, infectivity assays, meat processing
Development of new adjuvants for tuberculosis vaccines TBVAC2020 January 2, 2015 December 31, 2018 Immune response vaccine, tuberculosis, adjuvant, infectious disease
Development of new molecular methods for the quantification of airborne pollen in the context of aerobiological surveillance Allerpol January 1, 2016 December 31, 2019 Mycology and aerobiology , Transversal activities in applied genomics pollen, molecular biology, Real Time PCR, digital PCR
Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety NeXSplorer.iph September 15, 2015 December 31, 2023 Foodborne pathogens, Bacterial diseases, Viral diseases, Biosafety and biotechnology , Transversal activities in applied genomics NGS, computational biology, bioinformatics, polymorfism, single nucleotide, database, disease outbreaks, performance evaluation, SNP, pipeline, neisseria, GMO, outbreak, food-borne, disease transmission

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