
Last updated on 16-2-2023 by Lieke Vervoort

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Acronym Start date End date Service Keywords
Molecular database foodborne outbreak MolDbFBO October 1, 2016 Foodborne pathogens, Bacterial diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics foodborne pathogens, typing, molecular database, outbreak investigation
Diagnosis-Based Morbidity Statistics MORBISTAT April 1, 2010 Health information population health monitoring, morbidity
Development of targeted genotyping methods for improved drug resistance surveillance mPLEXABR June 1, 2014 Bacterial diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics, Veterinary bacteriology antibiotic resistance, genetic determinant, multiplex identification, beta-lactamases, fluoroquinolones, enterobacteriaceae
Development of a multi-method for the analysis of additives in foodstuffs MULTIMADD November 16, 2018 January 31, 2021 Organic contaminants and additives food additives, multi class-multi method, banned substances
Determination of the predominant (co-)occurrences and single and combined exposures of food additives in the diet of different groups of the Belgian population MULTI_EXP_ADD December 1, 2020 December 31, 2021 Organic contaminants and additives, Risk and health impact assessment food additives, reformulation, multi-method, usage, exposure assessment
Towards characterization and (quantitative) genotoxicity assessment of mycotoxin mixtures present in food MYCX-IT September 15, 2021 September 14, 2025 Mycology and aerobiology , Risk and health impact assessment, Organic contaminants and additives risk assessment, chemicals, food safety, contaminants, cancer, mycotoxins, mixtures, DNA damage
Whole Genome Sequencing to streamline tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, improve TB surveillance and optimise individualised drug resistant TB treatments: a pragmatic multicenter theragnostic trial MysTicTB January 1, 2019 December 31, 2022 Bacterial diseases Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Mtb), diagnosis, whole genome sequencing, clinical trials
Nature impact on mental health distribution NAMED July 1, 2017 June 30, 2021 Risk and health impact assessment mental health, (non-)built environment, air pollution, health interview survey, geographical information system, Brussels-Capital Region
Integration of New Approach Methodologies results in chemical risk assessments: case studies addressing nanoscale considerations NAMS4NANO April 1, 2023 March 31, 2027 Trace elements and nanomaterials, Risk and health impact assessment
Physico-chemical characterization of the fraction of engineered nanomaterials in silver (E174) food additives in the context of risk assessment NanoAg@ December 1, 2016 December 31, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials
Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres Nanocellup March 2, 2021 March 1, 2023 Trace elements and nanomaterials Nanocellulose, transmission electron microscopy, alternative methods to evaluate toxicity
Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardised methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial NanoDefine November 1, 2013 October 31, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, EC definition, TEM, dispersion protocols, software validation
Implementation and validation of an analytical methodology to assess the nanofraction in the food additives E171, E174 and E175 with exposure analysis in the context of risk assessment Nanofood@ October 1, 2016 October 1, 2019 Trace elements and nanomaterials E171, E174, E175, food additives, electron diffraction, X-ray spectroscopy, food matrix, image analysis, representative test material, silver nanoparticles, quantitative electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, high angle annular dark field, scanning transmission electron microscopy, mass spectrometry, risk analysis
A common European approach to the regulatory testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials NANoREG March 1, 2013 February 28, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, EC definition, TEM, inter laboratory comparison, SOP validation
Characterisation of a rod-shaped TiO2 candidate reference material using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Nanorod April 1, 2015 December 31, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, reference candidate material (RCM), TEM, rod
Method validation of nanomaterial characterisation by single particle ICP-MS and Dynamic Light Scattering NanoVAL January 1, 2016 June 30, 2016 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, validation, dynamic light scattering, single particle ICP-MS
Natural compounds for therapeutic purposes NATHERAP February 1, 2016 July 1, 2018 Risk and health impact assessment medicinal plants, genotoxicity, antigenotoxicity, mutagenicity
National Certification Committee for poliomyelitis eradication NCC January 1, 1997 global polio eradiction initiative, poliomyelitis (polio), eradiction, polio, WHO, Global Certification Commission, National Certification Committee, European Regional Commission for Certification of poliomyelitis Eradiction, polio-free, EV surveillance, enterovirus, health authorities, action plan
Strengthen the capacity of governments and researchers in the evaluation of public policies on healthy food environments in Francophone West Africa to prevent the triple burden of malnutrition NCDs-WAfrica October 1, 2020 September 30, 2023 Health information non-communicable diseases, low-middle income countries, food environments, nutrition policy, triple burden of malnutrition
Needs Examination, Evaluation and Dissemination NEED April 1, 2023 December 31, 2026 Health information Unmet medical needs, chronic diseases, rare diseases, summary measures of population health
NeuroSurv, a surveillance system on neurological infectious diseases in Belgium NeuroSurv January 1, 2024 Epidemiology of infectious diseases surveillance, neurological infectious diseases
Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety NeXSplorer.iph September 15, 2015 December 31, 2023 Foodborne pathogens, Bacterial diseases, Viral diseases, Biosafety and biotechnology , Transversal activities in applied genomics NGS, computational biology, bioinformatics, polymorfism, single nucleotide, database, disease outbreaks, performance evaluation, SNP, pipeline, neisseria, GMO, outbreak, food-borne, disease transmission
Next Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health NextGEM July 1, 2023 June 30, 2027 Risk and health impact assessment, Transversal activities in applied genomics radiofrequency radiation, 5G, in vitro, in vivo, human exposure, gene expression, cytogenetics
Next Generation Sequencing in routine diagnostics in Belgium NGS in BE January 1, 2015 Cancer centre , Quality of laboratories
Development and application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and metagenomics to improve influenza surveillance and pandemic preparedness in Belgium NGS Influenza June 1, 2017 December 31, 2021 Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics influenza virus, respiratory viruses, NGS, WGS, sequencing
Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics for Public Health NGS&Bio-IT February 2, 2015 Transversal activities in applied genomics whole genome sequencing, bioinformatics, pathogen, public health
Method validation: comparison of size distribution of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticle analysis between Flow Field Flow Fractionation, single particle ICP-MS and Electron Microscopy NIROVAL February 1, 2017 January 31, 2018 Trace elements and nanomaterials nanomaterials, validation, flow field flow fraction, single particle ICPMS, electronic microscopy
Impacts of nitrogen deposition in the natural environment on pollen allergy and respiratory infection outcomes in Belgium NITROPOL-BE January 15, 2021 April 15, 2025 pollution, nitrogen, pollen, aeroallergens, pollen allergy, allergen potency
National reference center for bacterial meningitis and gastrointestinal diseases NRC bactMeng&gastro January 1, 1960 Bacterial diseases
National Reference Centre for Hepatitis Virus B, C, D and E NRC Hepatitis Viruses October 1, 2015 December 31, 2019 Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Quality of vaccines and blood products hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV), hepatitis E virus (HEV), diagnosis, surveillance

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