Metrological traceability of measurement data from nano to small-microplastics for a greener environment and food safety |
PlasticTrace |
October 1, 2022 |
September 30, 2025 |
Trace elements and nanomaterials |
Migration of mineral oil from cardboard packaging for food: identification of the hazards and assessment of the exposure of the Belgian population |
MinOil |
October 1, 2015 |
January 15, 2019 |
Trace elements and nanomaterials, Risk and health impact assessment, Organic contaminants and additives, Health information |
mineral oil, market study, dietary exposure assessment, hazard characterisation, risk assessment |
Modeling the absorption of cadmium in leaf and root crops |
FoodCad |
March 1, 2014 |
February 29, 2016 |
Trace elements and nanomaterials, Organic contaminants and additives |
cadmium, spinach, carrots, modeling, root uptake |
Molecular database foodborne outbreak |
MolDbFBO |
October 1, 2016 |
Foodborne pathogens, Bacterial diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics |
foodborne pathogens, typing, molecular database, outbreak investigation |
Monitoring and mitigating environmental health inequalities |
December 24, 2019 |
December 31, 2023 |
Risk and health impact assessment, Health information |
Monitoring of exotic Aedes mosquitoes in Belgium |
September 13, 2021 |
Epidemiology of infectious diseases |
mosquito, monitoring, citizen science, vector, mosquito-borne disease, Aedes albopictus, tiger mosquito, exotic mosquito |
Monitoring of Laboratory-Acquired Infections |
May 15, 2017 |
January 31, 2018 |
Biosafety and biotechnology |
laboratory-acquired infections, LAI, monitoring, biosafety, legislation |
Monitoring of possible health effects of living in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium: childhood leukemia incidence |
January 9, 2017 |
June 30, 2020 |
Risk and health impact assessment |
Monitoring of possible health effects of living in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Belgium: thyroid cancer incidence |
January 9, 2017 |
June 30, 2020 |
Risk and health impact assessment |
nuclear sites, incidence, childhood leukemia, thyroid cancer |
Monitoring of the whole genome sequencing (WGS) data of SARS-CoV-2 genomes to identify variants and their impact on detection methods |
February 1, 2021 |
December 31, 2021 |
Quality of laboratories , Transversal activities in applied genomics |
NGS, computational biology, bioinformatics, mutations, variants, database, disease outbreaks, performance evaluation, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, qPCR, disease transmission |
Monitoring the import of exotic animals, wild meat and the pathogens they carry |
December 1, 2022 |
December 1, 2024 |
Viral diseases |
pathogen detection, taxonomy, database, wild meat, exotic animals |
Monitoring the performance of detection methods for SARS-CoV-2 in clinical samples using sequencing data |
April 1, 2020 |
December 31, 2020 |
Viral diseases, Quality of laboratories , Transversal activities in applied genomics |
Monitoring the work-related well-being of professionals from the health care and social care sectors in Belgium | |
January 13, 2025 |
December 31, 2025 |
Health services research |
More rapid and accurate identification of (zoonotic) Salmonella serotypes that are the object of official control in poultry and pork |
November 1, 2015 |
August 31, 2018 |
Bacterial diseases, Transversal activities in applied genomics |
salmonella, genetic serotyping, Luminex, Multiplex |
Nanotechnologies - Guidelines for the characterisation of Certain Engineered Nanomaterials and/or materials that may contain particles at nanoscale in food products |
April 1, 2023 |
March 31, 2027 |
Trace elements and nanomaterials |
National Certification Committee for poliomyelitis eradication |
January 1, 1997 |
global polio eradiction initiative, poliomyelitis (polio), eradiction, polio, WHO, Global Certification Commission, National Certification Committee, European Regional Commission for Certification of poliomyelitis Eradiction, polio-free, EV surveillance, enterovirus, health authorities, action plan |
National Food Consumption Survey |
January 1, 2004 |
Health information |
food consumption, usual intake, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, proteins, energy, vitamins, minerals, salt, iodine, guidelines |
National infrastructure for genomic-epidemiologic surveillance of infectious diseases |
HERA-BE-Incubator-2021 |
October 1, 2021 |
December 31, 2022 |
National reference center for bacterial meningitis and gastrointestinal diseases |
NRC bactMeng&gastro |
January 1, 1960 |
Bacterial diseases |
National Reference Center for tuberculosis and mycobacteria |
NRC Tuberc&myco |
January 1, 1990 |
Bacterial diseases |
National Reference Centre for Hepatitis Virus B, C, D and E |
NRC Hepatitis Viruses |
October 1, 2015 |
December 31, 2019 |
Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Quality of vaccines and blood products |
hepatitis A virus (HAV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (HDV), hepatitis E virus (HEV), diagnosis, surveillance |
National Reference Centre for Human Papillomavirus: monitoring the impact of vaccination on papillomavirus-induced cancers |
January 1, 2016 |
December 31, 2019 |
Viral diseases, Cancer centre |
Human papillomavirus, diagnosis, surveillance, cancer, cervix |
National Reference Centre for Influenza: surveillance of influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infections in Belgium |
NRC Influenza |
October 1, 2015 |
Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases |
influenza virus, Influenza Like Illness, severe acute respiratory infections |
National Reference Centre for Measles, Mumps and Rubella virus: working to eliminate measles and rubella in Belgium |
October 1, 2015 |
December 31, 2019 |
Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases |
measles, mumps, rubella, diagnosis, surveillance, oral fluid |
National reference laboratory for Avian Influenza for Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg |
January 1, 1993 |
Avian virology and immunology |
Avian Influenza, notifiable disease |
National reference laboratory for bee diseases |
January 1, 2018 |
Viral reemerging enzootic and bee diseases |
national reference laboratory, bees, diagnosis of bee diseases |
National reference laboratory for environmental and process contaminants |
NRL lot3 Contaminanten |
January 1, 2021 |
December 31, 2024 |
Organic contaminants and additives |
contaminants, national reference laboratory |
National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials |
January 1, 2021 |
December 31, 2024 |
Trace elements and nanomaterials, Organic contaminants and additives |
food contact materials, national reference laboratory, method development and validation, support Belgian laboratories |
National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms |
January 1, 2006 |
December 31, 2020 |
Transversal activities in applied genomics |
GMO, NRL, food safety |
National Reference Laboratory for Mycotoxins, Plant Toxins and Marine Biotoxins |
NRL Toxines |
January 1, 2017 |
December 31, 2020 |
Organic contaminants and additives |
national reference laboratory, toxins, mycotoxins, marine toxins, plant toxins |