
Last updated on 16-2-2023 by Lieke Vervoort

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Acronym Start date End date Service Keywords
Surveillance of pollen and fungal spores in the outdoor air in Belgium AirAllergy January 1, 1982 Mycology and aerobiology pollen, rhinitis, allergy
Focal Point International Data Collection FocalPoint November 1, 2007 Health information health information
Belgian ‘Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’ Mirror Group BE EBCP October 21, 2021 Cancer centre european project, cancer prevention, cancer care, project monitoring, evaluation, cancer research
National Certification Committee for poliomyelitis eradication NCC January 1, 1997 global polio eradiction initiative, poliomyelitis (polio), eradiction, polio, WHO, Global Certification Commission, National Certification Committee, European Regional Commission for Certification of poliomyelitis Eradiction, polio-free, EV surveillance, enterovirus, health authorities, action plan
TekenNet/TiquesNet/ZeckenNet TiquesNet June 1, 2015 Epidemiology of infectious diseases ticks, tick bites, risk map, citizen surveillance, prevention, Lyme borreliosis
Diagnosis-Based Morbidity Statistics MORBISTAT April 1, 2010 Health information population health monitoring, morbidity
Belgian Health and Well-being Cohort BELHEALTH September 1, 2022 Health information mental health, well-being, cohort, survey, population
Expertise laboratory for GMO analysis GMOlab January 1, 2016 Transversal activities in applied genomics GMO detection, qPCR, GMO, food safety, GMM
Network of pediatric infectious disease surveillance PediSurv October 1, 2002 Epidemiology of infectious diseases
National surveillance of surgical site infections NSIH-SSI January 1, 2001 Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance ziekenhuis, postoperatieve wondinfectie, zorginfectie
Database of substances known by the Member States of the Council of Europe and used in food contact materials FCM Dbase January 1, 2018 Organic contaminants and additives database, food contact materials, QSAR, legislation, Council of Europe, risk indicator
Linkage of Health Interview Survey Data with Health Insurance Data HISLink January 1, 2017 Health information health interview survey, health insurance, data linkage, use of health care, health care expenditure
Belgian neuromuscular diseases registry BNMDR January 1, 2008 Health services research neuromuscular diseases, register
Belgian SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination studies BelCoVac March 1, 2021 Platform interventional studies, Immune response
Development, testing, and implementation of the Belgian Patient Reported Experience measure for PAncreatic cancer caRE PREPARE February 1, 2023 Cancer centre cancer, chronic diseases
Outbreak Support Team OST November 21, 2013 Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance outbreak support team, OST, multidrug resistant organisms, MDRO, antibiotic resistance, chronic care institution, residential care center, ziekenhuis, infection prevention and control, IPC
GP Infection barometer INFBARO October 16, 2024 Health services research, Epidemiology of infectious diseases COVID-19, surveillance, médecine générale, infection respiratoire aiguê
National surveillance of nosocomial infections in intensive care. NSIH-ICU January 1, 1997 Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance ziekenhuis, intensieve zorg, zorginfectie, ECDC
Healthy Food Environment Policy Index Food-EPI October 1, 2018 Health information accountability, government, food environments, policy implementation
Initiative for Quality improvement and Epidemiology in multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Clinics IQED-Foot July 1, 2014 Health services research Diabetes, diabetes care, diabetic foot, quality improvement, feedback audit
The Belgian Survey on Drugs DrugVibes April 1, 2019 Health information illegal drugs, illegal medicine, lifestyle risk factors, cannabis, weed, marijuana, hashish, powder cocaine, coke, crack cocaine, base, ecstasy, XTC, MDMA, amphetamines, speed, heroin, methamphetamines, crystal meth, GHB, GBL, liquid ecstasy, ketamine, LSD, hallucinogens, magic mushrooms, DMT, ayahuasca, alcohol, laughing gas, new psychoactive substances, opioid medication, tranquilizers, stimulant medication
National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in food and feed, for Nanomaterials and for Food Contact Materials NRL-TE; NRL-NANO; NRL-FCM January 1, 2017 Trace elements and nanomaterials metals, trace elements, migration, food contact materials, nanomaterials
Antibiotics and resistance AMR-human January 1, 1960 Bacterial diseases
National Reference Centre for Influenza: surveillance of influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory infections in Belgium NRC Influenza October 1, 2015 Viral diseases, Epidemiology of infectious diseases influenza virus, Influenza Like Illness, severe acute respiratory infections
NeuroSurv, a surveillance system on neurological infectious diseases in Belgium NeuroSurv January 1, 2024 Epidemiology of infectious diseases surveillance, neurological infectious diseases
Assessment of the toxicity of pesticides for agricultural use at national and international level PESTBIONAT & PESTINT January 2, 1990 Risk and health impact assessment pesticides, plant protection products, toxicity, hazard and risk assessment
The Belgian Paediatric Palliative Care group: BPPC group BPPC March 30, 2015 Cancer centre ethics, patients, palliative, international, children, cancer
Surveillance of Belgian honeybees colonies mortality 2017-2018 HealthyBee September 22, 2016 honeybee, mortality, bee health surveillance, Apis Mellifera, random forest, Varroa Destructor, apiary management, risk factors
Health Data Enabled for Re-use Across Belgium HeDERA June 6, 2024 Health information
Belgian Treatment Demand Indicator Register BTDIR January 1, 2011 Health information

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