Search results - 3046 results

Systemic antimicrobial drug use in Belgian hospitals, 2006-2007

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Vaerenberg,S.; Hendrickx, E; Boudewijn Catry Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, Belgium, p.72 (2009) Accession Number: D/2009/2505/43 Keywords: antimicrobial drug use Belgiu ...

The reliability of the Minimum European Health Module.

Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Does a national screening programme reduce socioeconomic inequalities in mammography use?

disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Full text language:  English ...

Domestic violence: variation in case-management by the general practitioner in Belgium.

considerable between-physician variability in care. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Tevredenheidsenquête in de rusthuizen en in de rust‐ en verzorgingstehuizen ‐ 2007

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Fontaine, L.; Beatrice Jans Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, Belgium, p.184 (2009) Accession Number: D/2009/2505/29 Keywords: 2007 rusthuizen tevredenheidsenquête Abstract ...

Enquête de satisfaction dans les maisons de repos et dans les maisons de repos et de soins‐2007 2

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Fontaine, L.; Beatrice Jans Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, Belgium, p.184 (2009) Accession Number: D/2009/2505/28 Keywords: 2007 Enquête de satisfaction maisons de repos ...

National prevalence survey of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in nursing home residents, 2005: Final report- August 2006

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Denis, O; Struelens, Marc J; Suetens, Carl; Beatrice Jans Source: WIV-ISP, Brussels, Belgium, p.87 (2009) Accession Number: D/2006/2505/39 Keywords: 2005 Methicillin ...

Liver X receptors contribute to the protective immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in mice.

receptors in resistance to M. tuberculosis infection and may provide a new target for therapeutics. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Bluetongue virus detection by real-time RT-PCR in Culicoides captured during the 2006 epizootic in Belgium and development of an internal control.

Finally, the use of RT-qPCR for the recognition of new potential BTV vector species and the impact of an appropriate monitoring method and internal control are discussed. Health Topics:  Animal health ...

Molecular genetics of para-aminosalicylic acid resistance in clinical isolates and spontaneous mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

resistance appears to be PAS concentration dependent, in marked contrast to thyA-mutated PAS-resistant isolates. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health ...

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