Search results - 1587 results
Detection of false negative Pap smears by rapid reviewing. A metaanalysis.
Laboratories Mass Screening Papanicolaou Test Quality Control Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Vaginal Smears Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To explore the diagnostic validity of rapid reviewing (RR) as a quality control method ...
Cervical cytology biobanking in Europe.
Record Linkage Molecular Diagnostic Techniques Papanicolaou Test Papillomavirus Infections Papillomavirus Vaccines REGISTRIES Rna specimen handling Terminology as Topic Uterine Cervical Neoplasms Uterine ...
HPV-FASTER: broadening the scope for prevention of HPV-related cancer.
women. We propose extending routine vaccination programmes to women of up to 30 years of age (and to the 45-50-year age groups in some settings), paired with at least one HPV-screening test at age 30 years ...
Immediate referral to colposcopy versus cytological surveillance for minor cervical cytological abnormalities in the absence of HPV test.
cells of undetermined significance — ASCUS or low-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions — LSIL) at primary screening in the absence of HPV (human papillomavirus) DNA test. SEARCH METHODS: We searched ...
RNA-based drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST). To counter this, new fast and sensitive DNA-based methods were successfully introduced over the last years. However, these (a) are based on the knowledge on ...
Directive Pratique pour la mise en place d’un système qualité dans les laboratoires d’anatomie pathologique agréés dans le cadre de l’Arrêté d’agrément
et agréé dans sa totalité et non sur la base d’éléments spécifiques ou d’une offre limitée de tests diagnostiques. Il convient de distinguer clairement l’ agrément d’un laboratoire d’anatomie ...
Intérêt des tests de provocation dans l'étude de l’électrohypersensibilité: Réflexions et propositions
l’apparition des symptômes (Rubin et al., 2010, 2011). Certains chercheurs concluent que l’effet nocebo est la cause probable de l’ EHS. Dans ce contexte, les tests de provocation peuvent-ils encore apporter de ...
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mindset of the manufacturer.
Tomorrow’s Medicines, Issue EDQM (2019) Abstract: According to the European Directives 200⅛3/ EC and 2004/27/ EC, EU Member States may require to test batches of immunological medicinal products or medicinal ...
The BBEMG research program- A multidisciplinary approach in studying long-term effects of ELF-EMF
comet assays will be used as they cover different kinds of genetic effects, i.e., structural and numerical chromosome aberrations (micronucleus test) and DNA damage (comet assay). Additional other ...
RNA sequencing-based transcriptional overview of xerotolerance in Cronobacter sakazakii SP291.
PCR) was used to validate the RNA-seq data, we found that the primary desiccation response was gradually downregulated during the tested 4 hours of desiccation, while the secondary response remained ...