Search results - 280 results

Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: Projected impacts and implications for prevention.

assuming alternatively no acclimatization and acclimatization based on a constant threshold percentile temperature. RESULTS: During the sample period 2009-2013 we observed an increase in daily mortality from ...

RE-Place: Alternative Methods to Animal Testing

(2018) Keywords: 3R alternative methods Database in chemico In silico in vitro new approach methodologies Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript ...

Alternatives to prison for drug offenders in Belgium during the past decade

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: E Plettinckx; Jérôme Antoine; L. Gremeaux; Herman Van Oyen Source: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 61 (2018) Health Topics:  Illicit drugs Drogues illégales Illegale drugs Man ...

Monitoring of Laboratory-Acquired Infections

or not genetically modified. Alternatively, a low incidence of LAI s may indicate that current biosafety regulations and practices are actually effective. In this context, COGEM commissioned a research ...

Current status of the RE-Place project

region, organised by the Flemish government, Departement Omgeving, Dienst Dierenwelzijn, Brussels, Belgium (2017) Keywords: 3R alternative methods Database in chemico In silico in vitro new approach ...

Multinomial additive hazard model to assess the disability burden using cross-sectional data.

alternative. Among the existing methods based on cross-sectional data, the attribution method, which was originally developed for binary disability outcomes, is an attractive option, as it enables the partition ...

A more sensitive, efficient and ISO 17025 validated Magnetic Capture real time PCR method for the detection of archetypal Toxoplasma gondii strains in meat.

demonstrated. For this, a bioassay is still the reference method. As an alternative, various PCR methods have been developed, but due to the limited amount of sample that can be tested, combined with a low tissue ...

Development and performance assessment of a luminex xMAP® direct hybridization assay for the detection and identification of indoor air fungal contamination.

dead and uncultivable fraction. Moreover, culture-based protocols are often time-consuming. In this context, molecular tools are a powerful alternative, especially those allowing multiplexing. In this ...

MALDI-TOF for the identification of Mycobacteria and their drug resistance profiles

potential to provide a cost-effective and fast alternative for classical phenotypic DST, independent of the mechanism of drug resistance. However, a current lack of automation hinders implementation in ...

Development and validation of a HS/GC-MS method for the simultaneous analysis of diacetyl and acetylpropionyl in electronic cigarette refills

The use of e-cigarettes as alternative for tobacco cigarettes has become increasingly popular, even though their safety has not yet been scientifically established. One of the frequently raised concerns ...

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