Search results - 301 results

Belgian Wildlife as Potential Zoonotic Reservoir of Hepatitis E Virus.

Dis, Volume 64, Issue 3, p.764-773 (2017) Abstract: Hepatitis E is an acute human liver disease in healthy individuals but may become chronic in immunocompromised patients. It is caused by the hepatitis ...

Rapport annuel- registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires 2015

dystrophy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxias, and postpolio syndrome. Those ten diseases are more specifically analyzed in the ...

Jaarverslag Belgisch register van neuromusculaire aandoeningen (BNMDR) 2015

dystrophy, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxias, and postpolio syndrome. Those ten diseases are more specifically analyzed in the ...

Trends in educational inequalities in premature mortality in Belgium between the 1990s and the 2000s: the contribution of specific causes of deaths.

All-cause and avoidable ASMR decreased in all EL s and both sexes. Lung cancer, ischaemic heart disease (IHD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and suicide in men, and IHD, stroke, lung cancer and ...

Isolation and characterization of the compounds responsible for the antimutagenic activity of Combretum microphyllum (Combretaceae) leaf extracts

n-Tetracosanol Abstract: BACKGROUND: Mutations play a major role in the pathogenesis and development of several chronic degenerative diseases including cancer. It follows, therefore that antimutagenic compound may ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to functional limitations using a multinomial outcome: results for the older population in Belgium and Brazil

Araújo Andrade; Shamyr S. Castro; Herman Van Oyen Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 75, Issue 1 (2017) Keywords: ADL Belgium Brazil chronic diseases Functional limitations multinomial ...

Disability Weights for Chronic Mercury Intoxication Resulting from Gold Mining Activities: Results from an Online Pairwise Comparisons Survey.

Fuller, Richard; Plass, Dietrich; Bose-O'Reilly, Stephan Source: Int J Environ Res Public Health, Volume 14, Issue 1 (2017) Keywords: Adult Aged Air Pollutants Chronic disease Cost of Illness Disabled ...

General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium.

Disorders Abstract: BACKGROUND: General Practitioners (GP s) are well placed to care for patients with (chronic) substance use problems. This pilot was carried out to study the feasibility and usefulness of ...

Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in disability in the older population in Brazil, 2013.

Herman Van Oyen Source: Int J Public Health, Volume 61, Issue 9, p.1003-1012 (2016) Keywords: Activities of daily living Aged Aged, 80 and over ARTHRITIS Back Pain Brazil Cardiovascular Diseases Chronic ...

The correlation between antimutagenic activity and total phenolic content of extracts of 31 plant species with high antioxidant activity.

cancer, aging and other human pathologies. Since oxidative DNA damage plays a role in the pathogenesis of several chronic degenerative diseases, the decrease of the oxidative stress could be the best ...

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