Search results - 479 results

Clinical characteristics and management of neurocysticercosis patients: a retrospective assessment of case reports from Europe.

largely depending on cyst location and number. The outcome was favorable in 90% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Management of NCC in Europe varied considerably but often had a good outcome. Travel and migration ...

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

also include dependency to certain growing conditions, which hinders culturing or obtaining an isolate, in particular when the GMM is unknown. For these reasons, shotgun metagenomics was considered ...

IPVS policy statement on HPV nucleic acid testing guidance for those utilising/considering HPV as primary precancer screening: Quality assurance and quality control issues.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Garland, Suzanne M; Iftner, Thomas; Cuschieri, Kate; Kaufmann, Andreas M; M. Arbyn; de Sanjosé, Silvia; Poljak, Mario; Dillner, Joakim; Unger, Elizabeth R; IPVS Policy Committee Source: J Clin Vi ...

The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: Current state of evidence

retrieved mismatched the perceived importance in national prioritization exercises. For example, anthrax was considered a priority NZD in 65 countries; however, only one national study estimating BoD was ...

Comparing the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 across age groups considering sampling biases- use of testing data of autumn 2021 in BelgiumAbstractBackgroundMethodsResultsConclusion

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lajot, Adrien; Cornelissen, Laura; Van Cauteren, Dieter; Meurisse, Marjan; Brondeel, Ruben; Dupont-Gillain, Christine Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 81, Issue 1 (2023) Service:  Épidém ...

Patient Reported Outcome and Experience Measures (PROMs and PREMs) in substance use disorder treatment services: A scoping review

barriers to consider. Conclusions PROM s and PREM s are increasingly used in SUD treatment services, but guidance is needed to support researchers and clinicians in selecting and implementing valid, ...

Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices

databases and grey literature were searched for articles reporting the assessment of DALY and its components. We considered studies in which researchers performed DALY calculations using primary ...

The contribution of cacao consumption to the bioaccessible dietary cadmium exposure in the Belgian population

risk assessment leading to that regulation used consumption surveys aggregated to a limited number of chocolate product categories and did not consider differences in Cd bioaccessibility. Here, the ...

Regulatory safety assessment of nanoparticles for the food chain in Europe

characterisation are required with special provisions. In particular, certain nano-specific considerations are highlighted that have to be considered during toxicological testing with the aim to demonstrate consumer ...

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