Search results - 114 results

Usutu Virus Epizootic and Plasmodium Coinfection in Eurasian Blackbirds (Turdus merula) in Flanders, Belgium

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Lieze Oscar Rouffaer; Mieke Steensels; Marc Verlinden; Vervaeke, Muriel; Boonyarittichaikij, Roschong; Martel, An; Bénédicte Lambrecht Source: Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Volume 54, Issue 4 (20 ...

Estimating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders using medication data in Flanders, Belgium.

Flanders (Belgium) for 2008: a purely administrative database containing data on dispensed medication, the Belgian National Health Interview Survey for self-reported medication and diagnoses, and a patient ...

Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s

decomposed into the main causes of death. Results Regional health gaps are observed within each EL, with ASMR s in Brussels and Wallonia exceeding those of Flanders by about 50% in males and 40% in females ...

Validity and Reproducibility of a Food Frequency Questionnaire for Dietary Factors Related to Colorectal Cancer

consumption of foods and nutrients related to the development of colorectal cancer in a population aged ≥50 years in Flanders, Belgium. A semi-quantitative FFQ was administered two times in a period of two ...

Cost-effectiveness of screening for active cases of tuberculosis in Flanders, Belgium.

cost-effectiveness of the tuberculosis screening activities currently funded by the Flemish government in Flanders, Belgium. METHODS: After estimating the expenses for 2013-2014 of each of nine screening components — ...

General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium.

16.7% with illicit drugs other than heroin or methadone and 15.9% with heroin or methadone. Problems with alcohol alone were more prevalent in Flanders (53.0%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 46.8-59.1%) ...

Mycobacterium tuberculosis-associated synthetic mycolates differentially exert immune stimulatory adjuvant activity

Wall chemistry CI Class Common contribution delivery Development electronic Flanders Functional general Group health im immune response Immunization immunology Impact Institute IS IT ITS journal ...

Regional differences in the validity of self-reported use of health care in Belgium: selection versus reporting bias.

for register] and underestimate the lower prevalence of a contact with a GP [OR s 0.59 (95 % CI 0.51-0.70) and 0.41 (95 % CI 0.39-0.42) respectively] in Brussels compared to Flanders. CONCLUSION: ...

Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Belgium: Report 2016

increase in HA- CDI incidence was marked in Flanders. The differences between regions are now negligible. The severity of the disease has not changed in recent years. There is a high diversity of circulating ...

First TBEV serological screening in Flemish wild boar.

results (1/10-1/15). This study demonstrated the presence of TBEV-specific antibodies in wild boar and highlighted potential TBEV-foci in Flanders. Additional surveillance including direct virus testing is ...

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