Search results - 2047 results
Oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid detected by PhastSystem isoelectric focusing18
Electrophoresis,Agar Gel Electrophoresis,Polyacrylamide Gel gamma-Globulins hospital Humans im Immunoglobulin Immunoglobulins INFECTION IS Isoelectric Focusing journal Multiple Multiple Sclerosis Nervous System ...
Pathogenicity of fowl enteroviruses.
intestine were only observed in chickens infected with McNulty’s entero-like particles, entero PV2 and entero 3. Those lesions were present from 3 days post inoculation but were most prominent on the 7th day ...
High titre Hog Cholera virus production on Cytodex 3 microcarrier cultures.
microcarrier cell cultures were defined. Infecting a PK-15 Cytodex 3 microcarrier culture with HCV increased the yield of virus more than 10 times compared with conventional monolayer culture in Roux flasks. ...
Effect of disinfection of drinking water with ozone or chlorine dioxide on survival of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts.
infection level of 1,000 oocysts (0.1-ml inoculum) per mouse was necessary to induce 100% infection. Treatment of water containing 10(4) oocysts per ml with 1.11 mg of ozone per liter (concentration at time ...
Evolution of coccidial infection in commercial and domestic rabbits between 1982 and 1986.
1982, the year of introduction of the anticoccidial robenidine in commercial rabbit feeds, a dramatic decrease of coccidial infection ratio was detected in commercial rabbitries: only 6% of samples ...
Biotype, serotype, and pathogenicity of attaching and effacing enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic commercial rabbits.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Johan Peeters; Geeroms, R; Orskov, F Source: Infect Immun, Volume 56, Issue 6, p.1442-8 (1988) Keywords: Animals Animals, Suckling ...
Three-year survey of amikacin use and aminoglycoside resistance in a general hospital in Belgium36631
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: R. Vanhoof; Hubrechts,J.M.; Nyssen,H.J.; Roebben,E. Source: Eur.J.Clin.Microbiol.Infect.Dis., Volume 7, Issue 2, Number 185, p.183- 185 ...
Experimental transmission of enzootic bovine leukosis to cattle, sheep and goats: infectious doses of blood and incubation period of the disease.
donor. The number of lymphocytes which induced BLV infection in recipient animals varied widely with the donor. The high infectivity of a donor seemed to be correlated with high lymphocytosis and high ...
Meningitis due to Cryptococcus neoformans biovar gattii in a Zairean AIDS patient36626
Infections Patient Print report reports SB- IM Abstract: no abstract available Service: Mycology and aerobiology Mycologie et aérobiologie Mycologie en aerobiologie Manuscript versions: Version: Published ...
Efficacy of toltrazuril against intestinal and hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits.
stiedai was tested in experimentally-infected rabbits. Continuous administration of 10-15 p.p.m. of the drug in the drinking water was highly effective in reducing oocyst output of all five species and in ...