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Mass intake of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in the present context of the Covid-19 outbreak: Possible consequences in endemic malaria settings.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Dieudonné Makaba Mvumbi Source: Med Hypotheses, Volume 143 (2020) Keywords: Betacoronavirus Chloroquine Coronavirus Infections COVID-19 ...

Confirmed COVID-19 Cases per Economic Activity during Autumn Wave in Belgium.

occupational sectors, such as human health and care, food service, cultural and sport activities, have been associated with a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection than other sectors. To curb the spread of ...

The Impact of the covid-19 on satisfaction with social contacts

covid-19; social contact; impact Abstract: Background The corona crisis caused many countries to instruct their citizens to stay at home and engage in “social distancing” to reduce the infection rate. This ...

Capturing respiratory syncytial virus season in Belgium using the influenza severe acute respiratory infection surveillance network, season 2018/19.

incidence Infant Influenza, Human Male middle aged Pilot Projects Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Human Respiratory Tract Infections Risk Factors Seasons Sentinel ...

Mycoplasma pneumoniae detections before and detections before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a global survey, 2017 to 2021.

Communicable Disease Control COVID-19 Humans Macrolides Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pandemics Pneumonia, Mycoplasma Abstract: Background respiratory infections are transmitted by aerosol and droplets in close ...

Influenza-like illness (including COVID-19) sentinel surveillance in Belgian nursing homes: amended protocol

Duysburgh Source: (2022) Keywords: COVID-19 Influenza-like illness nursing homes Surveillance Health Topics:  Griep Acute luchtweginfectie Flu Grippe Acute respiratory tract infection Infection respiratoire ...

Surveillance des symptômes grippaux dans les maisons de repos et de soins Belges: saison 2021-2022

François Dufrasne Source: (0) Health Topics:  Influenza Influenza Influenza Acute respiratory tract infection Acute luchtweginfectie Infection respiratoire aiguë Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies ...

Comparison of the pathogenic, antigenic and molecular characteristics of two encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) isolates from Belgium and Greece.

N J Source: Res Vet Sci, Volume 62, Issue 3, p.239-44 (1997) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Monoclonal Antibodies, Viral Antigens, Viral Base Sequence Belgium Cardiovirus Infections Disease Outbreaks DNA Primers ...

Airborne transmission of classical swine fever virus under experimental conditions.

compartment C (pen 5). Classical swine fever virus was introduced by the experimental inoculation of one pig in the middle pen (pen 2) of compartment A. The virus infected the pigs in pen 4, following the ...

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