Search results - 108 results

Point prevalence survey of antimicrobial use and healthcare-associated infections in Belgian acute care hospitals: results of the Global-PPS and ECDC-PPS 2017.

The most frequently reported indications were pneumonia (23.2%), urinary tract infections (15.2%) and skin and soft tissue infections (11.9%). The reason for antimicrobial use was recorded for 81.9% of ...

Detection strategy targeting a chloramphenicol resistance gene from genetically modified bacteria in food and feed products

genes harboured by such GMM is currently available for the enforcement laboratories. In reason of the increasing interest of the competent authorities to be able to assess the potential risks related to ...

Annual Report Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2017

18 years ago, 39.0% were adults, and the median age was 14.9 years. 46.4% of the patients are homozygous for the F508 del mutation and 39.1% are F508 del heterozygous. The main reasons for diagnosis of ...

Consumer protection provided by the European medical device and cosmetic legislation for condoms and lubricants.

54 personal lubricants present on the EU market. Their safety was assessed using the same reasoning as commonly applied for cosmetic ingredients. Higher mucosae susceptibility, the main exposed area ...

How to overcome political and legal barriers to the implementation of a drug consumption room: an application of the policy agenda framework to the Belgian situation

years, fieldworkers and some city policymakers argued for DCR implementation in Belgium, but without gaining the support of the national authorities, mainly for ideological reasons. In order to address ...

Falsification of biotechnology drugs: current dangers and/or future disasters?

been found in seizures of regulatory agencies. It stands to reason that regulatory agencies and analytical laboratories handling falsified biotechnology drugs have stepped up efforts to counter these ...

Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017

a beta-lactamase inhibitor (J01CR05, 7.7%). The most frequently reported diagnoses for medical antimicrobial treatment were pneumonia (22.2%) and urinary tract infections (11.2%). The reason for antimicrobial use ...

Global burden of late-stage chronic kidney disease resulting from dietary exposure to cadmium, 2015

population, which account for 0.2% of the global DALY s of CKD. While these results suggest that the overall impact of dietary cadmium exposure on global CKD is low, they do indicate that reasonable efforts to ...

Annual report Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2016

heterozygous. The main reasons for diagnosis of CF are acute or recurrent respiratory problems (42.1%) and failure to thrive (24.4%). About 18.0% were diagnosed via neonatal screening even though Belgium has no ...

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