Search results - 108 results
Genetic damage in humans exposed to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields.
As a matter of fact, there are reasons to believe that effects are not that impressive. However, the totality of the studies cannot simply be disregarded warranting further caution and the application, ...
Final transitions to place of death: patients and families wishes.
settings of cancer patients and the extent to which patient/family wishes are cited as a reason for the transition. METHODS: Data were collected from the EUROSENTI- MELC study over a 2-year period. General ...
Construction of Nontoxigenic Mutants of Nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum NCTC 11219 by Insertional Mutagenesis and Gene Replacement.
translated into guidelines for the food industry; in contrast, the effectiveness of emerging processing and preservation techniques has been poorly documented. The reason is that experimental studies with C. ...
Linking existing in vitro dermal absorption data to physicochemical properties: Contribution to the design of a weight-of-evidence approach for the safety evaluation of cosmetic ingredients with low dermal bioavailability.
assessor’s reasoning to omit a MoS calculation and to focus more on local toxicity and mutagenicity/genotoxicity for ingredients for which limited systemic exposure is to be expected. Health Topics: ...
Evaluation of detection methods for non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli from food.
this pathogen is of great importance for public health reasons. In this study the detection and isolation of four non- O157 STEC strains (O26, O103, O111, O145) from different artificially contaminated ...
Analysis of illegal peptide biopharmaceuticals frequently encountered by controlling agencies.
distributions of these substances. At their request, suspected protein and peptide preparations are analysed in our Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL). It stands to reason that a general screening ...
Biological activity conferred by endocrine disrupting chemicals in hospital effluent and river water from the Brussels Region, Belgium
s). For this reason, the Water Framework Directive (WFD, amended in 2013/39/ EU) established a priority list of 33 new and 8 previously regulated chemical pollutants, some of which have shown to ...
How well do physical activity questions perform? A European cognitive testing study.
intensity which would be desirable to obtain from a scientific point of view; however, respondents can hardly provide this information for cognitive reasons. Studies investigating the respondents’ perspective ...
Barriers to and facilitators of compliance with clinic-based cervical cancer screening: population-based cohort study of women aged 23-60 years.
travel costs and other direct non-medical costs incurred in attending clinic-based cervical cancer screening, (b) investigating screening compliance and reasons for noncompliance, (c) determining women’s ...
Transitions between health care settings in the final three months of life in four EU countries
Patient wishes were cited as the reason for the last transition before death in 27%, 39%, 9% and 6% of cases in Belgium, Netherlands, Italy and Spain, respectively (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: End-of-life ...