Search results - 108 results
Safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of the candidate tuberculosis vaccine MVA85A in healthy adults infected with HIV-1: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial.
M tuberculosis infection or disease, although the study was underpowered to detect an effect against disease. Potential reasons for the absence of detectable efficacy in this trial include insufficient induction ...
Human biomonitoring of multiple mycotoxins in the Belgian population: Results of the BIOMYCO study.
assessment at individual level. For this reason, the BIOMYCO study was designed to assess mycotoxin exposure in Belgian adults and children using urinary biomarkers of exposure. Morning urine was gathered in ...
Proof of concept for the inhibition of foot-and-mouth disease virus replication by the anti-viral drug 2'-C-methylcytidine in severe combined immunodeficient mice.
no longer detected in 13 of 15 treated mice. All eight untreated mice suffered from an acute generalized disease and were euthanized for ethical reasons on average at 4 dpi. These results illustrate ...
Mumps increase in Flanders, Belgium, 2012-2013: results from temporary mandatory notification and a cohort study among university students.
essential. However, the reasons for low vaccine effectiveness must be further explored and additional immunological research for more immunogenic mumps vaccines is necessary. Health Topics: Health and disease ...
Factors associated with the continuum of care of HIV-infected patients in Belgium.
(p=0.003). MSM had a higher retention in care (p <0.001), whilst IDU had lower retention (p=0.004). Low CD4 at first clinical contact and clinical reasons for HIV testing were independently associated with ...
The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results.
described in a separate paper. Each participating member state was requested to contract laboratories, for capacity building reasons ideally within its borders, carrying out the chemical analyses. To ensure ...
What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?
patient-related factors associated with inclusion in a CT and to determine the most frequent reasons for non-inclusion. METHODS: In 2010, the Belgian Sentinel Network of General Practices conducted a prevalence ...
Environmental impact of radiofrequency fields from mobile phone base stations
radiation. Overall, many alarming investigations were found but most are characterised by severemethodological shortcomings. For this reason these studies do not provide any evidence that observed biological ...
Anti-mycobacterial activity of 1,3-diaryltriazenes.
is of paramount importance. For this reason, a library of substituted 1,3-diaryltriazenes based on the acting component of the anti-trypanosomal drug, diminazene aceturate was created and evaluated for ...
Characterization of suspected illegal skin whitening cosmetics.
may provoke as well local as systemic toxic effects, being the reason for their banning from the EU market. In that respect, illegal and restricted substances in cosmetics, known to have bleaching ...