Search results - 44 results
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy
related to mental health needs and whether different population subgroups were equally likely to seek advice. Methods: A longitudinal, online survey was carried out in Belgium in April, June, and November ...
Informal caregiving and mental health: results from the Belgian health interview survey 2013 and 2018
caregiving might need to be universally applicable to all caregivers, focusing on reducing the intrinsic burdens of caregiving tasks rather than targeting demographic subgroups. Health Topics: Health and ...
Exploring anxiety and depression trends: insights from the BELHEALTH cohort 2022-2024 in Belgium
across demographic subgroups, with worse outcomes observed among unemployed and younger individuals, as well as those living alone, in the Walloon Region (South of Belgium). Overall, people with a low ...
The future burden of type 2 diabetes in Belgium: a microsimulation model.
Belgium, representing a 32.8% and 19.3% increase in T2D prevalence rate and DALY s rate, respectively. While T2D burden remained highest for lower-education subgroups across all three Belgian regions, the ...
Virological surveillance of influenza in Belgium, season 2019-2020
viruses fell in the 6B. 1A5A subgroup represented by the reference strain A/Norway/3433/2018. About half of the sequenced A(H3N2) viruses belonged to the clade 3C.2a1 and the remaining belonged to the ...
Psychological distress and online advice-seeking in times of COVID-19: vertical and horizontal equity of an e-mental health strategy
mental health needs and whether different population subgroups were equally likely to seek advice. Methods A longitudinal, online survey was carried out in Belgium in April, June, and November 2020. ...
COVID-19 mortality, excess mortality, deaths per million and infection fatality ratio, Belgium, 9 March 2020 to 28 June 2020
Belgium from 9 March 2020 to 28 June 2020, placing it against the background of excess mortality and compared the DPM and IFR between countries and within subgroups. Methods The relation between ...
Estimating national and subnational nutrient intake distributions of global diets
for as many nutrients and population subgroups as possible, use these distributions to estimate nutrient intake inadequacy, compare these distributions and evaluate the implications of their shapes on ...
Gram-negative central line-associated bloodstream infection incidence peak during the summer: a national seasonality cohort study.
[95% CI 1.11-1.48], p < 0.001). Subgroup analysis replicated this trend for CLABSI diagnosed in the intensive care unit. Only gram-negative CLABSI rates were associated with increased temperature (IRR ...
QALY losses for chronic diseases and its social distribution in the general population: results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey
rapidly rising, both in terms of morbidity and mortality. This burden is disproportionally carried by socially disadvantaged population subgroups. Quality-adjusted life years (QALY s) measure the impact of ...