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Search results - 207 results
Health (WIV-ISP), Brussels, Belgium A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Rabies Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Two-dose Intradermal Abbreviated schedule Vaccination A B S T R A C T Background: Rabies is ...
Health (WIV-ISP), Brussels, Belgium A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Rabies Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Two-dose Intradermal Abbreviated schedule Vaccination A B S T R A C T Background: Rabies is ...
(PrEP)? ja nee onbekend Is de patiënt gevaccineerd tegen HPV? ja nee onbekend Besprak u het inlichten en behandelen van de seksuele partner? ja nee ...
hors relation stable et régulière? oui non inconnu Est-ce que le patient utilise la prophylaxie pré-exposition (PrEP)? oui non inconnu Est-ce que le patient est vacciné contre le HPV? oui ...
onbekend Gebruikt de patiënt Pre-Expositie Profylaxe (PrEP)? ja nee onbekend Is de patiënt gevaccineerd tegen HPV? ja nee onbekend Besprak u het inlichten en behandelen van de seksuele partner? ...
(PrEP)? oui non inconnu Est-ce que le patient est vacciné contre le HPV? oui non inconnu Avez-vous abordé la possibilité de la mise au courant et du traitement de votre partenaire sexuel? oui ...
prep/Hypercap target enrichment kit (roche) 2 8.7 NGS Roche home made Kapa Hypercap custom solid panel (73 genes) 1 4.3 NGS Home-made 1 4.3 Houd er rekening dat één laboratorium twee verschillende methodes ...
2017. A possible hypothesis for the increase could be the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP in 2017 to prevent HIV among individuals at high-risk, since screening for STI’s is recommended ...
2017. A possible hypothesis for the increase could be the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP in 2017 to prevent HIV among individuals at high-risk, since screening for STI’s is recommended ...
2017. A possible hypothesis for the increase could be the introduction of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP in 2017 to prevent HIV among individuals at high-risk, since screening for STI’s is recommended ...