Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)
Public Access
Peer reviewed scientific article
In this survey, we studied the effect of extensive amikacin usage on the epidemiology of aminoglycoside resistance in a general hospital. The baseline resistance in the 12 months before amikacin was 5.8% for amikacin, 15.2% for gentamicin, 16.4% for tobramycin and 14.0% for netilmicin. During the following 44 months, amikacin was the aminoglycoside of first choice. In the first 2 years of this phase, resistance to amikacin did not change significantly. Later, amikacin resistance rose significantly, mainly due to the introduction of amikacin-resistant Enterobacter aerogenes strains. In gener…