Effects of Atorvastatin on LDL sub-fractions and peroxidation in type 1 diabetic patients: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (non vérifié)

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article


BACKGROUND: Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of both developing and dying from cardiovascular disease, and, currently, more aggressive lipid-lowering targets are being recommended for these patients. Statins are widely and successfully used to correct dyslipidemia and prevent acute coronary episodes, but their effects on lipoprotein composition and peroxidation have not been fully investigated. We aimed to address this issue in type 1 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: T1DM patients with atherogenic index (total/HDL-cholesterol > 4) were randomised double-blindly to group A (n = 12) t…

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