Short-term health effects in the general population following a major train accident with acrylonitrile in Belgium.

Last updated on 7-4-2021 by Jill Alexandre

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



BACKGROUND: Following a train derailment, several tons of acrylonitrile (ACN) exploded, inflamed and part of the ACN ended up in the sewage system of the village of Wetteren. More than 2000 residents living in the close vicinity of the accident and along the sewage system were evacuated. A human biomonitoring study of the adduct N-2-cyanoethylvaline (CEV) was carried out days 14-21 after the accident.OBJECTIVES: (1) To describe the short-term health effects that were reported by the evacuated residents following the train accident, and (2) to explore the association between the CEV concentr…

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