Résultats de la recherche - 16 results

Bulletin acute luchtweginfecties week 05-2025- Gepubliceerd op 05.02.2025

Sarah Denayer; Anna Parys; François Dufrasne; Sven Hanoteaux; Robrecht De Schreye; S Moreels; Laura Debouverie; Mélanie Nahimana; Natalia Bustos Sierra; Catharina Vernemmen; Serge Nganda; Milena Callies; ...

Bulletin infections respiratoires aiguës semaine 05-2025- Publié 05/02/25

Lisa Hermans; Marjorie Fonnesu; Simon Couvreur; Veronik Hutse; Raphael Janssens; Yves Lafort Source: Sciensano, Brussels, p.48 (2024) URL: https://www.sciensano.be/fr/sujets-sante/influenza/chiffres ...

NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF SARS-COV-2 IN WASTEWATER- How does WBE contribute to the global epidemiologic assessment in Belgium? (September 2020 – 2024)

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Raphael Janssens; Hadrien Maloux; Veronik Hutse; Marie Lesenfants Source: p.12 (2024) Keywords: coronacrisis ...

Epidemiology of COVID-19 mortality in Belgium from wave 1 to wave 7 (March 2020 – 11 September 2022)

residents (65+). COVID-19 case fatality ratio The COVID-19 case-fatality ratio (CFR) in Belgium was estimated to be 0.65%, but it increased exponentially with age (4.92% for 75-84 years old and 9.87% above 85 years ...

Epidemiologie van COVID-19 mortaliteit in België van golf 1 tot golf 7 (maart 2020 – 11 september 2022)

en 923 per 100.000 inwoners onder niet- WZC bewoners (65+). COVID-19 case fatality ratio De COVID-19 case fatality ratio (CFR) in België werd geschat op 0,65%, maar nam exponentieel toe met de leeftijd ...

Epidémiologie de la mortalité COVID-19 en Belgique de la vague 1 à la vague 7 (mars 2020- 11 septembre 2022)

et plus. L’âge médian des décès dus à la COVID-19 était de 84 ans et l’âge moyen de 81,6 ans. Dans tous les groupes d’âge jusqu’à 80-84 ans, les hommes ont représenté la fraction la plus élevée des décès dus ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: Results of the second data collection (28/09/21-23/02/22)

3 months (but more than 2 weeks ago), the prevalence of anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was 97.9% in the first period of wave 2 (27/09-24/10) and 99.1% in the second period (25/10-21/11). Among the fully ...

Prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the general population in Belgium: First results of the SalivaHIS study

community dwelling population aged 18 years and above had developed anti- SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. This percentage was 98.9% among fully vaccinated people (since at least 2 weeks before being tested) and 28.9% ...

SARS-CoV-2 infecties bij kinderen en jongeren van 0 tot en met 17 jaar in België, schooljaar 2020-2021

Sofieke Klamer Source: p.24 (2021) Abstract: Het schooljaar 2020-2021 stond voor scholen en leerlingen in het teken van COVID-19. Maatregelen om de verspreiding van het SARS-CoV-2 virus te beperken hebben ...

SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among nursing home residents and staff in Belgium- Results visit 1- Februari 2021

Marina Di Gregorio; Simon Delogne; Anja Coen; Nele De Clercq; Laëtitia Buret; Coenen, Samuel; An De Sutter; Beatrice Scholtes; Jan Verbakel; Piet Cools; Stefan Heytens Source: (2021) Keywords: COVID-19 ...

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