Résultats de la recherche - 248 results

Consumer and food product determinants of food wasting: A case study on chicken meat

chicken waste were significantly older, without children and/or unemployed. Moreover, their households scored better for household routines and skills. They also agreed more to intend not to waste food, ...

Child buccal telomere length and mitochondrial DNA content as biomolecular markers of ageing in association with air pollution

Nelly D. Saenen Source: Environment International, Volume 147 (2021) Keywords: Ageing air pollution Biological Biomarkers CHILDREN Health Topics:  Gezondheid en milieu Health and environment Santé et ...

Dietary exposure assessment and risk characterization of citrinin and ochratoxin A in Belgium

the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 200 ng kg−1 bw day−1, indicating no health risk. However, a CIT intake level of 187 ng kg−1 bw day−1 was detected for children in the age category of 3–9 years in the ...

Food cost and adherence to guidelines for healthy diets: evidence from Belgium.

children). Average prices for >2000 foods were retrieved from the 2014 GfK ConsumerScan panel and linked with foods consumed in the FCS. Daily costs of meeting nutritional guidelines were estimated across ...

Update of the risk assessment of nickel in food and drinking water

adult age groups, but generally exceeded the TDI in toddlers and in other children, as well as in infants in some surveys. This may raise a health concern in these young age groups. The MOE values for the ...

Brief assessment of (in)direct questions on domestic/partner violence in the Belgian HIS 2013-2018

children) from where easily these two indicators could be defined. Proportions are compared. Results In 2018, 1.0% of the population aged 15+ indicated being victim of domestic violence in the past 12 months, ...

The Cost of Diets According to Their Caloric Share of Ultraprocessed and Minimally Processed Foods in Belgium.

(food diaries for children). Average prices for >2000 food items (year 2014) were derived from GfK ConsumerScan panel data and linked with foods consumed in the FCS. Foods eaten were categorized by ...

AdHealth: a feasibility study to measure digital food marketing to adolescents through Facebook.

Nutrient Profile Model was used to classify the healthiness of products advertised as permitted (healthy) or not permitted (unhealthy) to be advertised to children. SETTING: Auckland, New Zealand. ...

Annual Report Belgian Cystic Fibrosis Registry 2018

patients. The patient population continues to record an improvement in lung function expressed as the mean percentage of predicted FEV1. Among the F508 del homozygous patients, 27.6% of the children and 3.5% ...

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