Résultats de la recherche - 301 results
Lumpy Skin Disease Is Characterized by Severe Multifocal Dermatitis With Necrotizing Fibrinoid Vasculitis Following Experimental Infection.
dermal plexus. Chronic lesions consisted of full-thickness necrosis of the dermis and epidermis. Lesions in other body organs were not a major feature of LSD in this study, highlighting the strong ...
Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food
characterisation of neoplastic effects, a BMDL10 of 14.5 μg/kg bw per day was calculated from kidney tumours seen in rats. The estimation of chronic dietary exposure resulted in mean and 95th percentile levels ...
End-of-life communication in advanced cancer: international trends (2009-2014).
be necessary to ensure that patients have the chance to discuss important end-of-life topics. Health Topics: Chronic disease Maladie chronique Chronische ziekte Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Risk assessment of aflatoxins in food
grain-based products made the largest contribution to the mean chronic dietary exposure to AFB1 in all age classes, while ‘liquid milk’ and ‘fermented milk products’ were the main contributors to the AFM1 mean ...
Measuring disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) due to low back pain in Malta
for 2015 provided the LBP prevalence data through representative self-reported history of chronic LBP within the past 12 months in combination with limitations to daily activities. Proportions of LBP ...
Population vulnerability to COVID-19 in Europe: a burden of disease analysis
health Vulnerability YLD Abstract: Background Evidence has emerged showing that elderly people and those with pre-existing chronic health conditions may be at higher risk of developing severe health ...
An online health status report to support public health in Belgium
Health Topics: Chronic disease Maladie chronique Chronische ziekte Full text language: English Category: C32 FOS Classification: 3.03 Health sciences ...
Residential green space and medication sales for childhood asthma: A longitudinal ecological study in Belgium
remained significant after adjusting for housing quality and chronic air pollution (adjusted parameter estimates per IQR increase of relative cover, range across four strata: grassland, β = 0.10–0.14; ...
Residential green space and seasonal distress in a cohort of tree pollen allergy patients
adjusted for patients’ background data (gender, age, BMI, smoking status, physical activity, commuting distance, education level, allergy medication use and chronic respiratory problems) and compared with ...
Health-related quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulceration: study protocol for adaptation and validation of patient-reported outcome measurements (PROMs) in Dutch-speaking patients.
Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hospital (Aalst, Belgium). The results of the study will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. Health Topics: Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Chronic disease ...