Résultats de la recherche - 481 results
The Australasian species of Lactarius subgenus Gerardii (Russulales)33692
ochrogalactus and L. reticulatovenosus. Lactarius venosus is also considered as a member but could not be included in the molecular analysis. Two new pleurotoid species are discovered: L. genevievae and L. ...
Mould routine identification in the clinical laboratory by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
samples were prospectively subjected to this MALDI- TOF MS based-identification assay. MALDI- TOF MS-based identification was considered correct if it was concordant with the phenotypic identification; ...
Brucellosis at the animal/ecosystem/human interface at the beginning of the 21st century.
journey, are still largely unknown. Metabolism and virulence of Brucella are now considered to be two sides of the same coin. Mechanisms presiding to the colonization of the pregnant uterus in different ...
Tick-borne encephalitis virus seropositive dog detected in Belgium: screening of the canine population as sentinels for public health.
encephalitis virus (TBEV) is an important emerging tick-borne viral infection of humans and dogs in Europe. Currently, TBEV surveillance is virtually nonexistent in Belgium, which is considered nonendemic. ...
Development and validation of a ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-UV method for the detection and quantification of erectile dysfunction drugs and some of their analogues found in counterfeit medicines.
compared to the registered HPLC method for the assay of Viagra(®) which was considered as the reference method. The method is also compatible with on-line coupling mass spectrometry and will significantly ...
A fast ultra high pressure liquid chromatographic method for qualification and quantification of pharmaceutical combination preparations containing paracetamol, acetyl salicylic acid and/or antihistaminics.
smaller than 1.5% and 2%, the β-expectation tolerance limits did not exceed the acceptance limits of 10% and the relative expanded uncertainties were smaller than 5% for all of the considered components. ...
Naegleria gruberi metabolism
complete lack of experimental data. The metabolism of Naegleria seems to be extremely versatile, as can be expected for a free-living amoeboflagellate, but although considered to be fully aerobic, its genome ...
Biosafety in laboratory animal facilities. A practical approach.
under laboratory animal welfare regulations will not be considered here. To allow more clarity and a better understanding of the biosafety requirements and recommendations in laboratory animal facilities, ...
Molecular analysis and mating behaviour of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes species complex36576
vanbreuseghemii have to be considered as members of the same biological species remains an open question. In order to better delineate species in the T. mentagrophytes complex, we performed a mating analysis of ...
Mortality associated with in-hospital bacteraemia caused by Staphylococcus aureus: a multistate analysis with follow-up beyond hospital discharge.
mortality should be considered on two levels: the burden of disease, i.e. nosocomial infection with S. aureus bacteraemia, and the burden of resistance to methicillin. Health Topics: Antimicrobial resistance ...