Résultats de la recherche - 481 results

Classical swine fever virus is genetically stable in vitro and in vivo.

demonstrates that classical swine fever virus is genetically stable. Hence, even minor mutations can be considered significant in molecular epidemiological studies. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 ...

Genetic multilocus studies of different strains of Cryptococcus neoformans: taxonomy and genetic structure232334008

and serotype. The second analysis considered three serotype groups (B, C, and A plus D plus A/D), proving that serotypes A, D, and A/D are closely related. MLEE is a useful epidemiological tool for ...

External quality assessment (EQA) of Belgian clinical laboratories. The telematics paradigm129

information systems has recently become cheaper and more powerful. It is therefore timely to consider the effects of the introduction of such techniques in external quality assessment (EQA) schemes on both ...

Detection of foot-and-mouth disease by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and virus isolation in contact sheep without clinical signs of foot-and-mouth disease.

sentinel pigs. This indicates that serologically positive contact sheep without clinical signs may be considered as a danger for the transmission of FMDV. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS ...

CD57, a marker for B-cell activation and splenic ellipsoid-associated reticular cells of the chicken.

B-cell marker). Thus, CD57 should be considered as a B-cell activation marker, rather than as a marker for bursal B-cells; it is also a valuable marker for the immunohistochemical study of ...

Concepts for a model of good medical laboratory services127

published. Although these standards are found useful to some extent, they are considered to be insufficient in several areas important for medical laboratories particularly in the pre- and post-examinational ...

Isolation of yeasts from bovine milk in Belgium

recovered from normal milk. Among the three species, only one i.e. Candida kefyr is able to grow above 40 degrees C and from there can be considered as potentially pathogenic, even if bacterial association is ...

SycE, a chaperone-like protein of Yersinia enterocolitica involved in Ohe secretion of YopE.

the YopE protein. We consider that it acts as a specific chaperone and we call it SycE (for specific YopE chaperone). We hypothesize that SycE is a link between translation and the specific Yop export ...

Analytical and clinical evaluation of creatine kinase MB mass assay by IMx: comparison with MB isoenzyme activity and serum myoglobin for early diagnosis of myocardial infarction82

considering positivity for myoglobin and for CK- MB by IM x and for the change in each over the first 4 h of hospitalization as criteria. Twelve hours after admission, diagnostic performance was further ...

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