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Résultats de la recherche - 133 results
How to Deal with the Upcoming Challenges in GMO Detection in Food and Feed424
history of modern agriculture. The commercialisation of GMO is in many countries strictly regulated laying down the need for traceability and labelling. To comply with these legislations, detection methods ...
A targeted proteomics method to detect urinary biomarkers of kidney disease
a minimum of 2 mass transitions per peptide and using a 12 minutes chromatographic run time. The 59 corresponding labelled AQUA peptides, containing heavy isotopes of carbon (Health Topics: Health and ...
Dietary intake of artificial sweeteners by the Belgian population.
sweeteners and specific consumption of table-top sweeteners. A conservative Tier 2 approach, for which an extensive label survey was performed, showed that mean usual intake was significantly lower than the ...
Sodium reduction and the correction of iodine intake in Belgium: Policy options.
mandatory labelling of foods exceeding a specific sodium concentration. Once salt reduction targets have been clearly defined in Belgium over the longer term, a legal framework should be set in place where ...
Angiotensin IV displays only low affinity for native insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP).
experiments were routinely carried out in the presence of chelators, only the catalytic zinc-depleted apo-form of IRAP was labelled. While the chelators remove the catalytic zinc from IRAP and protect Ang IV ...
Quantification of the trichothecene Verrucarin-A in environmental samples using an antibody-based spectroscopic biosensor
be produced indoors at very low level by moulds contaminating dwellings and may be associated with several human health problems. In this study we describe a spectroscopic label-free biosensor for ...
Regulatory requirements for the labelling of IVDs in Europe4223
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Source: Journal of Medical device Regulation, Volume 8, Issue 2, Number 17, p.12- 17 (2011) Keywords: Area Areas electronic Europe guidance guidance document IVD language medical ON Regulatory Re ...
A non-invasive fluorescent staining procedure allows Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy based imaging of Mycobacterium in multispecies biofilms colonizing and degrading polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
p.317-25 (2010) Keywords: Biofilms Fluorescent Dyes Microscopy, Confocal Mycobacterium Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Staining and Labeling Abstract: To study the micro scale interactions of Mycobacterium ...
Influenza A strain-dependent pathogenesis in fatal H1N1 and H5N1 subtype infections of mice.
respiratory distress syndrome. In the absence of any virus labeling, a histologist could readily distinguish infections caused by these 2 viruses. The different histologic features described in this study here ...
Use of pJANUS-02-001 as a calibrator plasmid for Roundup Ready soybean event GTS-40-3-2 detection: an interlaboratory trial assessment.
Owing to the labelling requirements of food and feed products containing materials derived from genetically modified organisms, quantitative detection methods have to be developed for this purpose, ...