Résultats de la recherche - 1105 results
Childhood leukemia near nuclear sites in Belgium: An ecological study at small geographical level.
statistical sector level. RESULTS: Higher incidence rate ratios were found for children <15 years (7 cases, RR = 3.01, 95% CI: 1.43;6.35) and children <5 years (< 5 cases, RR = 3.62, 95% CI: 1.35;9.74) ...
Status and potential of bacterial genomics for public health practice: a scoping review
The studied pathogen, year of publication, country, number of isolates, sampling fraction, setting, public health application, study aim, level of implementation, time orientation of the NGS analyses, ...
Proposal for Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Nomenclature below the Species Level.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vahid Salimi; Mariana Viegas; Alfonsina Trento; Charles N Agoti; Larry J Anderson; Avadhanula, Vasanthi; Justin Bahl; Louis Bont; Rodney J Brister; Patricia A. Cane; Mónica Galiano; Barney S Grah ...
In utero exposure to parabens and early childhood BMI z-scores- Associations between placental ethyl paraben, longitudinal BMI trajectories and cord blood metabolic biomarkers.
placental paraben levels and cord blood metabolic biomarkers, considering modulating effects of maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and underlying epigenetic mechanisms, and investigated longitudinal effects of in ...
Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections: diverging trends of meticillin-resistant and meticillin-susceptible isolates, EU/EEA, 2005 to 2018.
obtained from the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS-Net). Trends of BSI were assessed at the EU / EEA level by adjusting for blood culture set rate (number of blood culture sets ...
Disentangling the Link between Built/Non-Built Environment and Mental Health in Brussels
association between mental health and environmental indicators will be presented at three levels : the residential level (view of green, garden coverage, building characteristics), the street level (vegetation ...
Unit Response and Costs in Web Versus Face-To-Face Data Collection: Comparison of Two Cross-sectional Health Surveys.
nonrespondent, but this effect is more pronounced in BHISWEB (low vs high education level: Web, OR 2.71, 95% CI 2.21-3.39 and F2F OR 1.70, 95% CI 1.48-1.95). The BHISWEB study had a considerable advantage; the ...
Automated digital reporting of clinical laboratory information to national public health surveillance systems, results of a EU/EEA survey, 2018.
28 countries. LIMS data on EU-notifiable diseases and AMR were M2M-reported to the national level in 14 and nine countries, respectively. In the 14 countries, associated demographic data reported ...
Urinary CC16, a potential indicator of lung integrity and inflammation, increases in children after short-term exposure to PM/PM and is driven by the CC16 38GG genotype.
CC16 (U- CC16) can be a noninvasive alternative, albeit requiring adequate adjustment for renal handling. Moreover, the SNP CC16 G38A influences CC16 levels. This study aimed to monitor the effect of ...
Estimation of country-level effects in cross-national survey research using multilevel modelling: The role of statistical power (Preprint)
Estimation of country-level effects in cross-national survey research using multilevel modelling: The role of statistical power. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/m94kh Multilevel regression analysis is one of ...