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Résultats de la recherche - 132 results

Forecasting Birch Pollen Levels in Belgium: First Analysis of the 2021 Season

ECMWF meteorological fields and an updated map of birch pollen emission sources to produce the spatio-temporal distributions of airborne birch pollen levels for the current birch pollen season of 2021 ...

Signals from the future: Exploring implications for drug policies

predetermined elements and critical uncertainties that form the basis for shaping the future drugs policy area, which will have been mapped by DRUG- PREP via horizon scanning prior to the workshop. ...

Sentinel-2 Satellite and Hysplit Model Show that Local Cereal Harvesting Substantially Contributes to Peak Alternaria Spore Concentrations

Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) back-trajectory and dispersion model was integrated with Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, Corine Land Cover 2018 (CLC2018) and Eurostat cereal data 2016 to map the ...

The Changing Landscape of Food Deserts and Swamps over More than a Decade in Flanders, Belgium.

Britain. This research is one of the first studies to map food deserts and swamps in a mainland European, densely populated but heavily fragmented region such as Flanders. The evolution of food deserts and ...

The European Health Data Space 2: is Europe ready to maximise the re-use of health data?

outcomes of the TEHDAS country visits. In these country visits, the state-of-play of the health data management system and the preparedness to join the EHDS2 were mapped in 12 different EU MS. The next ...

Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A

from the Green Map of Flanders in seven buffers (50 m-3 km) and stratified into low (<3 m) and high (≥3 m) vegetation. Residential nature was calculated using the Land use Map of Flanders. We ...

RE-Place: A Unique Project Collecting Expertise on New Approach Methodologies

s may benefit from a bottom-up approach, i.e., local initiatives mapping the available NAM s and promoting their use. An example of such an initiative in Belgium is the RE-Place project, which collects ...

Implementation of a computer-assisted face-to-face intervention for mapping the social support networks of patients with severe mental illness in routine clinical practice: Analysis of the appropriateness and acceptability of the intervention

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Pablo Nicaise; Hélène Garin; Pierre Smith; Sébastien d’Oreye de Lantremange; Laurent Leleux; François Wyngaerden; Lorant, Vincent Source: International Journal of Social Psychiatry (2021) Health ...

COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Belgian nursing homes: results of a surveillance conducted between April and December 2020

surveillance was crucial in mapping COVID-19 in this vulnerable setting and guiding public health interventions, despite limitations of aggregated data and necessary changes in protocol over time. Belgian NH ...

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