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Résultats de la recherche - 109 results
Estimation of the Uncertainties Related to the Measurement of the Size and Quantities of Individual Silver Nanoparticles in Confectionery.
Single particle ICP-MS Abstract: E174 (silver) is a food additive that may contain silver nanoparticles (AgNP). Validated methods are needed to size and quantify these particles in a regulatory context. ...
A systematic evaluation of Flow Field Flow Fractionation and single-particle ICP-MS to obtain the size distribution of organo-mineral iron oxyhydroxide colloids.
Field Flow Fractionation iron oxyhydroxide colloids particle size distribution Single particle ICP-MS Abstract: Colloidal iron(III) oxyhydroxides (FeOx) are important reactive adsorbents in nature. This ...
Evaluation of a TEM based Approach for Size Measurement of Particulate (Nano)materials.
properties, including particle size, shape, and agglomeration state. The measurement of the median value of the minimal external particle diameter distribution was intra-laboratory validated. The validation ...
Physicochemical Characterisation of the E171 Food Additive
X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), were reliably detected and measured using the ParticleSizer software. In the most dispersed state, the particle size measurements by TEM and sp- ICP- MS agreed well. The ...
Syllabus of the workshop physicochemical characterization of nano-sized particles in food
particles in food additives (including E171 and E174) and in food products by TEM Practical experience in sample/ TEM-specimen preparation and application of the ParticleSizer software for the analysis of TEM ...
Open Lab Application for the Characterization of Nanomaterials by Transmission Electron Microscopy
expertise and instrumentation to measure the size, morphology, crystallographic structure and chemical composition of a wide range of NM by EM. Identification and measurement of particles can be performed in ...
Evaluation of a TEM based Approach for Size Measurement of Particulate (Nano)materials
preparation, imaging, and image analysis, and it was evaluated on a series of certified reference materials and representative test materials with varying physical properties, including particle size, shape, and ...
Scientific opinion on the proposed amendment of the EU specifications for titanium dioxide (E 171) with respect to the inclusion of additional parameters related to its particle size distribution
Gaffet; Jan Mast; Ruud Peters; Ana Maria Rincon; Peter Fürst Source: EFSA Journal, Volume 17, Issue 7 (2019) Keywords: E171 food additive Particle Size specifications titanium dioxide Abstract: The present ...
Nanomaterials for food applications: Analytical challenges and practical solutions for enforcing labeling of nanoingredients in food products in the European Union
Nanoparticles Single particle ICP-MS Abstract: Food ingredients present in the form of engineered nanoparticles (NP s) require specific labeling as “nano” in the European Union. Enforcing proper labeling of ...
Combining TEM with single particle ICP-MS: assessing the size of individual nanoparticles in food additives by multiple techniques
of nano-sized particles in food, Sciensano, Issue Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium (2019) Keywords: Single particle ICP-MS transmission electron microscopy Health Topics: Trace elements Nanomaterials ...