Résultats de la recherche - 2411 results

Oxidative activity of turkey monocytes, following the inoculation with Chlamydia psittaci2193

concentrations of lucigenin. Sham inoculated monocytes gave no detectable lucigenin-enhanced CL responses. However, in the presence of lucigenin, the addition of C psittaci to monocyte-free controls also resulted ...

Diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease by RT-PCR: evaluation of primers for serotypic characterisation of viral RNA in clinical samples.

protocols on epithelial suspensions and supernatant fluids, resulting from their passage in cell culture, derived from clinical samples of diverse molecular characteristics. Each of the serotype-specific ...

Development of immunocompetence of broiler chickens.

of age. These findings indicate that vaccination at 1 day of age does not activate the B-cell response resulting in antibody production and support the idea that the immune function of the late ...

Effects of inhalation of dust and endotoxin on respiratory tracts of pigs.

Escherichia coli (serotype O127: B8) with feed flour before spraying the flour in the environmental chamber. RESULTS: Exposure did not affect cell composition of NL fluid or blood. Total cell counts of BAL ...

Prevalence of herds with young sows seropositive to pseudorabies (Aujeszky's disease) in northern Belgium.

detect recently infected animals, only young sows were sampled. The results show that 44% of these herds had an important number of PRV-seropositive young sows. The highest herd seroprevalence was observed ...

PCNA and Ki67 proliferation markers as criteria for prediction of clinical behaviour of melanocytic tumours in cats and dogs.

The results suggest that Ki67 is a potentially important prognostic factor in melanomas of the cat and dog. Other criteria, including tumour size, predominant cell type and intensity of PCNA expression, ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of DNA vaccines encoding secreted and non-secreted forms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Ag85A.

(CSU37) in order to compare the efficacy of these vaccines. In vitro studies were also performed. RESULTS: Enhanced humoral and cellular responses were induced in mice vaccinated with the secreted Ag85A- ...

Characterization of the culture filtrate-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response induced by Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination in H-2b mice.

chloroquine. These results indicate that a non-classical MHC class I-processing pathway allows the recognition of a CF protein by CTL in BCG-vaccinated H-2b mice. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

Bovine leukemia virus-induced persistent lymphocytosis in cattle does not correlate with increased ex vivo survival of B lymphocytes.

that in sheep, BLV protects the total population of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC s) from ex vivo spontaneous apoptosis. This global decrease in the apoptosis rates resulted from both direct ...

Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of tuberculosis DNA vaccines encoding putative phosphate transport receptors.

ineffective in reducing bacterial multiplication. In conclusion, our results indicate that DNA vaccination is a powerful and easy method for comparative screening of potentially protective Ags from M. ...

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