Résultats de la recherche - 881 results

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv): A Cross-Sectional Study on ELISA Seronegative, Multivaccinated Sows.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jorian Fiers; Marylène Tignon; Ann Brigitte Cay; Xavier Simons; Maes, Dominiek Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 9 (2022) Keywords: ...

Has Epizootic Become Enzootic? Evidence for a Fundamental Change in the Infection Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Europe, 2021.

Issue 4 (2022) Keywords: Animals Animals, Wild Birds Europe Influenza A virus Influenza A Virus, H5N1 Subtype Influenza in Birds Phylogeny Poultry Abstract: Phylogenetic evidence from the recent ...

HPV and head and neck cancers: Towards early diagnosis and prevention.

Virus Res, Volume 14 (2022) Abstract: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide with an increasing trend of its incidence. Alcohol consumption, smoking, and ...

Epidemiologische surveillance van invasieve meningokokkeninfecties- 2021

minder dan de voorgaande jaren. Deze daling is ongetwijfeld het gevolg van de COVID-19-pandemie en de maatregelen die werden genomen om de verspreiding van het virus tegen te gaan. Door de diensten belast ...

Surveillance épidémiologique des infections invasives à méningocoques- 2021

Cette diminution est certainement liée à la pandémie de covid-19 et les mesures prises pour limiter la propagation du virus. De leur côté, les services en charge de la déclaration obligatoire ont ...

The history of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype C: the first known extinct serotype?Abstract

Issue 1 (2021) Keywords: extinction foot-and-mouth Phylogeny serotype C Abstract: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious animal disease caused by an RNA virus subdivided into seven serotypes ...

Whole-Genome Sequence Approach and Phylogenomic Stratification Improve the Association Analysis of Mutations With Patient Data in Influenza Surveillance.

Nancy Roosens Source: Front Microbiol, Volume 13 (2022) Abstract: Each year, seasonal influenza results in high mortality and morbidity. The current classification of circulating influenza viruses is ...

A Belgian student with black eschars.

Clin Belg (2022) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Human cowpox virus infection is a rare zoonotic disease. Cowpox virus is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus, like smallpox. Over the last years records of cowpox ...

Investigating COVID-19 Vaccine Impact on the Risk of Hospitalisation through the Analysis of National Surveillance Data Collected in Belgium.

Weyenbergh; Lucy Catteau; Simon Dellicour Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 6 (2022) Keywords: Aged Belgium COVID-19 COVID-19 Vaccines Hospitalization Humans SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Abstract: The national ...

Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Compared with Delta among Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Belgium during Autumn and Winter Season 2021-2022.

Lize Cuypers; Toon Braeye; Lucy Catteau; Louis Nevejan; Joris Van Loenhout; Koen Blot Source: Viruses, Volume 14, Issue 6 (2022) Keywords: ADOLESCENT Belgium Cohort Studies COVID-19 Humans Retrospective ...

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