Résultats de la recherche - 125 results
Overview of air quality measures aiming to reduce emissions from road traffic and mitigate health impact in Belgium
scientific literature on the effectiveness of traffic-related air quality measures in Belgium, assessing their impact on concentration levels and improved public health outcomes This study is part of the ...
Belgian National Burden of Disease Study. Patterns of alcohol use and sales in Belgium: a critical appraisal of available data sources
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Sarah Nayani; Leonor Guariguata; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.31 (2024) Accession Number: D/2023.14.440/82 Health Topics: Health a ...
Belgian National Burden of Disease Study. Patterns of tobacco use and sales in Belgium: a critical appraisal of available data sources
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Sarah Nayani; Leonor Guariguata; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.30 (2024) Accession Number: D/2023.14.440/81 Keywords: burden of dise ...
EBoD-FL. Guidelines for mapping the environmental burden of disease in Flanders, 2023
risks. Environmental burden of disease (EBD) studies try to estimate the impact of environmental stressors in terms mortality or morbidity on a population level. Although environmental risks have been ...
Interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation and death using electronic health records in six European countries
populations ≥50 years of age, living in the community, in six European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Navarre (Spain), Norway, and Portugal. This study was undertaken within the Vaccine Effectiveness ...
Belgian SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination studies (BelCoVac) report
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Maria Goossens; Alexia Charles; Stéphanie Depickère Source: Sciensano, Brussel, Belgium, p.28 (2023) Accession Number: D/2023.14.440/68 Keywords: COVID-19 Service: ...
Initiatief voor Kwaliteitsbevordering en Epidemiologie bij Multidisciplinaire Diabetes Voetklinieken (IKED-Voet). Resultaten van de 7de gegevensverzameling (auditjaren 2020-2021)
Deze resultaten zijn min of meer vergelijkbaar met die van andere studies, vooral als we rekening houden met de specifieke karakteristieken van de IKED-Voet-populatie: hoge ernst van de ulcera en hoge ...
Belgian recommendations for analytical verification and validation of immunohistochemical tests in laboratories of anatomic pathology
equipment are common practice for today’s anatomic pathology laboratories. Few references or guidelines are available on how this should be performed. The study of Sciensano (the Belgian national competent ...
EFSA Project on the use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for the hazard assessment of nanofibres. Lot 1, nanocellulose oral exposure: gastrointestinal digestion, nanofibres uptake and local effects
(iii) assessment of any digestion or degradation of NC by the human microbiome. Eight NC samples belonging to the three NC types, plus a comparator in the micro-range, were selected as study materials and ...
BY-COVID Educational Toolkit
civil servants. Based on the scientific work in the project, an educational toolkit was created, that is understandable and usable for a wide audience. Case studies have been produced to illustrate issues relating ...