Last updated on 11-4-2023 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd) Pathogen info Pathogen(s): Yersinia pestis Ziekte: Yersinia pestis Diersoort: Mens Accreditatie Is the analysis accredited? Materials and methods Method reference: YEPCULTB-NA Turnaround time and time slots Turnaround time: 5 days Testing days: MaandagDinsdagWoensdagDonderdagVrijdag Request forms analyseaanvraagformulier humaan Leptospira - Miltvuur - Kwade Droes - Tularemie -Parapoxvirus Service in charge of the analysis Diergeneeskundige bacteriologie Contact person(s) Marcella Mori, DTM&H, PhD Scientist Analysis categories Medical