A case of acute intoxication due to combined use of fentanyl and 3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide (U-47700).

Last updated on 25-9-2019 by Peter Blanckaert

Peer reviewed scientific article





A 30-year old man was found dead in his home after inhaling fumes of a powder burned on aluminum foil. Blood and urine were taken by the medical examiner during the external body examination and submitted to the laboratory for a comprehensive systematic toxicological analysis. A toxic fentanyl level of 10.9μg/L was measured in the subclavian blood. Police investigation revealed that the man searched the internet for information on new psychotropic substances, among others including U-47700. A powder found in the victims’ home was transferred to the laboratory for analysis, in which trace am…

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