Last updated on 23-8-2019 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
Peer reviewed scientific article
Kris De Clercq; Ilse De Leeuw; Verheyden, B; Vandemeulebroucke, E; Vanbinst, T; Herr, C; Estelle Méroc; Bertels, G; Steurbaut, N; Miry, C; De Bleecker, K; Maquet, G; Bughin, J; Saulmont, M; Lebrun, M; Sustronck, B; De Deken, R; Hooyberghs, J; Houdart, P; Raemaekers, M; Mintiens, K; Pierre Kerkhofs; Goris, N; Frank VandenbusscheTrefwoorden
Until recently, bluetongue (BT) virus (BTV) serotypes reportedly causing transplacental infections were all ascribed to the use of modified live virus strains. During the 2007 BT epidemic in Belgium, a significant increase in the incidence of abortions was reported. A study including 1348 foetuses, newborns and young animals with or without suspicion of BTV infection, was conducted to investigate the occurrence of natural transplacental infection caused by wild-type BTV-8 and to check the immunocompetence of newborns. BTV RNA was present in 41% and 18.5% of aborted foetuses from dams with o…