Zoekresultaten - 257 results

COVID-19| Surveillance van afvalwater, Sciensano press release, 5 October 2020

Abstract: Sinds 15 september is er op initiatief van Sciensano een nieuwe nationaal coronavirus-surveillancetool. Deze tool heeft tot doel de verspreiding van SARS-CoV-2 in de bevolking op te volgen, niet ...

A Practical Method to Implement Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigation and Source Tracking in Routine.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Florence E Buytaers; Assia Saltykova; Sarah Denayer; Bavo Verhaegen; Kevin Vanneste; Nancy Roosens; Piérard, Denis; Marchal, Kathleen; ...

The Benefits of Whole Genome Sequencing for Foodborne Outbreak Investigation from the Perspective of a National Reference Laboratory in a Smaller Country.

genotypes. Besides a universal, all-in-one workflow with less hands-on-time (five versus seven actual working days for WGS versus conventional), WGS-based cgMLST-typing demonstrated increased resolution. This ...

Voedselvergiftigingen in België- jaaroverzicht 2019

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Sarah Denayer; Bavo Verhaegen; Koenraad Van Hoorde Source: Sciensano, Number 42, Brussels, Belgium, p.42 ...

Toxi-infections alimentaires en Belgique- Rapport annuel 2019

d’origine alimentaire. Les sources d’infection sont très diverses, mais ce sont surtout des repas composés (67,3%) qui ont été envoyés au laboratoire pour analyse. Pour 70,4% des foyers, c’est dans un restaurant qu’a eu ...

NAuRA: Genomic Tool to Identify Staphylococcal Enterotoxins in Strains Responsible for FoodBorne Outbreaks.

Hristo Daskalov; Michel-Yves Mistou; Jacques-Antoine Hennekinne Source: Front Microbiol, Volume 11 (2020) Keywords: bioinformatics tool; gene detection genomic staphylococcal enterotoxins genes variant ...

Voedselvergiftigingen in Belgie en Vlaanderen- Jaaroverzicht 2019

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Sarah Denayer; Bavo Verhaegen; Koenraad Van Hoorde Source: Sciensano, Number 42, Brussels, Belgium, p.42 ...

Combining short and long read sequencing to characterize antimicrobial resistance genes on plasmids applied to an unauthorized genetically modified Bacillus

(GM) Bacillus subtilis isolated as unexpected contamination in a feed additive, and therefore considered unauthorized (RASFF 2014.1249), as a case study. In GM organisms, AMR genes are used as selection markers. ...

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