Zoekresultaten - 39 results

Global spread of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Bogaerts, Pierre; Verroken, Alexia; Beatrice Jans; Denis, Olivier; Glupczynski, Youri Source: Lancet Infect Dis, Volume 10, Issue 12, ...

National surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals indicates rapid diversification of epidemic clones

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: O. Denis; Deplano,A.; Nonhoff,C.; De Ryck,R.; de Mendonca,R.; Rottiers,S.; R. Vanhoof; M. Struelens Source: Antimicrob.Agents Chemother., ...

The Phage-Encoded-Acetyltransferase Rac Mediates Inactivation of Transcription by Cleavage of the RNA Polymerase Alpha Subunit.

Paeshuyse, Jan; Bart Landuyt; Xu, Hua; John Blanchard; Konstantin Severinov; Lavigne, Rob Source: Viruses, Volume 12, Issue 9 (2020) Keywords: acetylomics bacterial shutdown Bacteriophage Abstract: In this ...

Dissecting the molecular evolution of fluoroquinolone-resistant Shigella sonnei.

Niall; Martin Cormican; Sonam Wangchuk; Bodhidatta, Ladaporn; Carl J Mason; Nguyen, To Nguyen Thi; Ha Thanh, Tuyen; Phat Vinh Voong; Duong, Vu Thuy; Phu Huong Lan Nguyen; Paul Turner; Ryan Wick; Pieter-Jan ...

Global phylogenomics of multidrug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Jane Hawkey; Le Hello, Simon; Benoît Doublet; Sophie A Granier; Rene S Hendriksen; Florian W Fricke; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens; Camille Gomart; ...

Transcriptional profiling of a laboratory and clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain suggests respiratory poisoning upon exposure to delamanid.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: An Van den Bossche; Hugo Varet; Amandine Sury; Odile Sismeiro; Rachel Legendre; Jean-Yves Coppee; Vanessa Mathys; Pieter-Jan Ceyssens ...

ST131 fimH22 Escherichia coli isolate with a blaCMY-2/IncI1/ST12 plasmid obtained from a patient with bloodstream infection: highly similar to E. coli isolates of broiler origin.

with blaCMY-2. CONCLUSIONS: From our data, it seems plausible that the ST131 fimH22 CMY-2-producing E. coli isolate obtained from the Danish patient could have a zoonotic broiler origin. Health Topics:  ...

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