Zoekresultaten - 15 results

What makes an epidemic a disaster: the future of epidemics within the EM-DAT International Disaster Database.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Tonnelier, Margo; Delforge, Damien; Below, Regina; Munguía, Juan Armando Torres; Claude Saegerman; Wathelet, Valentin; Joris Van Loenhout; ...

COVID-19 mortality statistics: a comparative study of epidemiological surveillance data and death certificates in 2020 in Belgium

regression models. SURV identified 90% (n=19,801) of COVID-19-related deaths from COD (n=22,015). Coverage was higher in hospitals (98%, n=11,130 in SURV, n=11,335 in COD) and long-term care facilities (90%, n=8,602 ...

Patterns and drivers of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in 13 Western European countries

Horgan; Laetitia Huiart; Yann Le Strat; Adrian Lison; Patrick Mallon; Sarah K. Nørgaard; Miquel Oliu; Juliette Paireau; Emma Rourke; Julien Riou; Fernando Simon Soria; Tanja Stadler; Anders Tegnell; ...

Excess mortality in Europe coincides with peaks of COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), November 2023 to February 2024.

(EuroMOMO) has observed excess mortality in Europe. During weeks 48 2023-6 2024, preliminary results show a substantially increased rate of 95.3 (95%  CI:  91.7-98.9) excess all-cause deaths per 100,000 ...

Unravelling demographic and socioeconomic patterns of COVID-19 death and other causes of death: results of an individual-level analysis of exhaustive cause of death data in Belgium, 2020

study outcomes. Results Older individuals, males, individuals living in collectivities, first-generation migrants, and deprived SE groups experienced higher odds of dying from COVID-19 compared to survival; living ...

Investigating years of life lost in Belgium, 2004-2019: A comprehensive analysis using a probabilistic redistribution approach

Finally, we used the GBD 2019 reference life table to calculate Standard Expected Years of Life Lost (SEYLL). RESULTS: In Belgium, between 2004 and 2019, IDD s increased from 31 to 34% of all deaths. The ...

COVID-19 mortality, excess mortality, deaths per million and infection fatality ratio, Belgium, 9 March 2020 to 28 June 2020

the study period, 9,621 COVID-19-related deaths were reported, which is close to the excess mortality estimated using weekly averages (8,985 deaths). This translates to 837 DPM and an IFR of 1.5% in the ...

Real-time monitoring shows substantial excess all-cause mortality during second wave of COVID-19 in Europe, October to December 2020

Bobvos, Janos; Paldy, Anna; Naama Rotem; Irene Kornilenko; Domegan, Lisa; Joan O’Donnell; Francesca De Donato; Scortichini, Matteo; Patrick Hoffmann; Telma Velez; England, Kathleen; Calleja, Neville; van ...

Establishing an ad hoc COVID-19 mortality surveillance during the first epidemic wave in Belgium, 1 March to 21 June 2020

https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.48.2001402 File:  Version:  Published Full text access:  Public Access Full text language:  English Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

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