Zoekresultaten - 258 results
Development and Evaluation of an HIV-Testing Intervention for Primary Care: Protocol for a Mixed Methods StudyBackgroundObjectiveMethodsResultsConclusionsTrial RegistrationInternational Registered Report Identifier (IRRID)
development, implementation, and evaluation of an HIV-testing intervention for Flemish general practitioners (GP s). Methods: A mixed methods evaluation design is used. Guided by a simplified intervention ...
Targeting the 16S rRNA gene for bacterial identification in complex mixed samples: comparative evaluation of second (Illumina) and third (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) generation sequencing technologies.
next-generation sequencing does not require intermediate culturing steps and can be directly applied on communities, but its performance has not been extensively evaluated. We present a comparative evaluation of ...
A new multiplex RT-qPCR method for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of Zika and chikungunya viruses.
literature for each virus, adapted for high genome coverage and joined into a four-plex assay which was thoroughly in-house validated. The SCREENED tool was used to evaluate the sequence coverage of ...
Antimicrobial prescribing by Belgian dentists in ambulatory care, from 2010 to 2016.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Reimbursement data from the Belgian National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance were analysed to evaluate antimicrobial prescribing (WHO ATC-codes J01 / P01AB). Utilisation ...
The protective effect of rural life on mite sensitization disappears among urban migrants in the South of Vietnam.
urbanization combined with rural migration to urban areas in southern Vietnam could be risk factors for allergen sensitization, contributing to chronic respiratory diseases (CRD). We aimed to evaluate the ...
Mixing mixed-mode designs in a national health interview survey: a pilot study to assess the impact on the self-administered questionnaire non-response.
response rate for the web SAQ and the overall unit response rate for the SAQ independent of the mode were evaluated. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to explore the association of ...
Evaluation de l’exposition humaine aux résidus de pesticides à l’aide de bracelets en silicone
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Laure Joly; Raf Aerts; Philippe Szternfeld; K Tsilikas; Koen De Cremer; Philippe Castelain; M Aerts; J Van Orshoven; B Somers; M Ghendrickx; Mirjana Andjelkovic; An Van Nieuwenhuyse ...
Dietary exposure of the Belgian population to mineral oil
Food Consumption Survey data, in a lower bound scenario to evaluate the dietary exposure of the Belgian population. Exposure to mineral oil was much lower compared to the results previously reported by ...
In vitro toxicity, genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of Nigella sativa extracts from different geographic locations
The location of the samples, but also the applied test system and other experimental conditions are examples of factors that should be taken into account when evaluating the biological properties and ...
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidant, anticoagulant and in vitro toxicity and genotoxicity testing of methanolic and juice extracts of Beta vulgaris L.
also used in traditional medicine to prevent many diseases. We investigated the methanolic extract and juice with respect to the phenolic and flavonoid contents and evaluated their antioxidant, ...