Zoekresultaten - 1329 results
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium
to evidence-based information to improve health. Researchers should be aware that the procedures necessary to implement a link may have an impact on the timeliness of their research. Although some ...
The landscape of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a mapping systematic review
information related to 6385 Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates (collected from 2000 to 2020). We noted the PfCRT K76T mutation encoding for chloroquine-resistance in median 32.1% [interquartile interval, ...
Factors underlying COVID-19 booster vaccine uptake among adults in Belgium
likely to receive the subsequent booster dose compared to COVID-naïve individuals. This information could be used to guide future vaccination campaigns during a pandemic and can provide valuable insights ...
Association between SARS-CoV-2 variants and post COVID-19 condition: findings from a longitudinal cohort study in the Belgian adult population
probability of having a PCC decreases. Health Topics: COVID-19 Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van ...
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on delayed care of cardiovascular diseases in Europe: a systematic review
CVD care, and the health-economic impact of COVID-19 should be further evaluated. Health Topics: COVID-19 Chronic disease Maladie chronique Chronische ziekte Service: Information sanitaire ...
A proposal for further developing fatigue-related post COVID-19 health states for burden of disease studies
consideration when preventative and mitigative action is being planned. Health Topics: Burden of disease Fardeau de la maladie Ziektelast COVID-19 Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health ...
Comparing frailty prevalence between countries: validation of the Global Burden of Disease study Frailty Index (GBD-FI) in the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe
across time using GBD data. Health Topics: Frailty Fragilité Broosheid Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Bulletin n°3- BELHEALTH
Nélis Gwendoline, Brussels, p.13 (2023) Keywords: Burnout Mental health Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions: File: Version: Published Full text ...
La convention « soins psychologiques » dans le paysage des soins de santé mentale. État des lieux de l’utilisation des soins de santé mentale remboursés et des besoins rencontrés et non-rencontrés en Belgique
sans autre forme de suivi. Health Topics: Mental health Santé mentale Mentale gezondheid Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions: File: Version: ...
De overeenkomst ‘psychologische zorg’ binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Overzicht van het gebruik van terugbetaalde geestelijke gezondheidszorg en de beantwoorde en onbeantwoorde noden in België
over de evolutie van het gebruik ervan. Health Topics: Mental health Santé mentale Mentale gezondheid Service: Information sanitaire Gezondheidsinformatie Health information Manuscript versions: ...