Zoekresultaten - 12 results

RE-Place launches new initiatives to promote the use of alternative methods to animal testing

-alternative-methods-animal-testing Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods animal testing Database Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies RE-Place Service:  Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé ...

Œuvrer à moins de souffrance animale en science est un devoir éthique

-a-moins-de-souffrance-animale-en-science-est-un-devoir-ethique-44UWC4VV7JHLVJFSX2N6UILBC4/ Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods animal testing new approach methodologies RE-Place Abstract: Éviter au maximum l’usage d’animaux de laboratoire en science, c’est possible. ...

RE-Place project: Reducing animal research through alternative methods

Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Mieke Van Mulders; Birgit Mertens; Vera Rogiers Source: BioVox, BioVox (2022) URL: https://biovox.eu/re-place-project ...

VUB, Sciensano, Vlaams en Brussels Gewest roepen wetenschappers op om expertise alternatieve testmethoden maximaal te delen via RE-Place.

Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Mieke Van Mulders; Birgit Mertens; Vera Rogiers Source: VUB Today, VUB, VUB Today (2022) URL: https://today.vub.be/nl/artikel/alternatieven-voor-dierproeven-gebundeld Service ...

Vlaams en Brussels Gewest zoeken samen naar alternatieven dierenproeven

://www.bruzz.be/samenleving/vlaams-en-brussels-gewest-zoeken-samen-naar-alternatieven-dierenproeven-2022-01-16 (2022) URL: https://www.bruzz.be/samenleving/vlaams-en-brussels-gewest-zoeken-samen-naar-alternatieven-dierenproeven-2022-01-16 Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing NAM RE-Place ...

Expérimentation animale à Bruxelles: la plate-forme sur les alternatives améliorée

-animale-bruxelles-la-plate-forme-sur-les-alternatives-amelioree Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods new approach methodologies RE-Place Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en gezondheidsimpactevaluatie Risk and health impact assessment ...

Meer alternatieven voor dierenproeven

het aantal proeven op dieren.” 170 alternatieven op dierenproeven De coördinators van het RE-Place project, Sciensano en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, ontwikkelden een online tool waarmee reeds 170 ...

Flanders and Brussels join forces to tackle animal testing

-and-brussels-combine-forces-to-tackle-animal-testing Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing new approach methodologies RE-Place Abstract: The Flemish and Brussels regional governments are working together in search of alternatives to animal testing ...

Het RE-Place project focust op het bevorderen van alternatieve methoden die dierproeven kunnen helpen vervangen

Dierenwelzijn, https://clerfayt.brussels/nl/dierenwelzijn (2022) URL: https://clerfayt.brussels/nl/dierenwelzijn Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods new approach methodologies RE-Place Abstract: Het Brussels en ...

Brussels region finances VUB research into alternatives to animal experiments

-region-finances-vub-research-into-alternatives-to-animal-experiments Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing new approach methodologies RE-Place Abstract: The Brussels regional government has approved a grant of €110,000 for research into alternatives to ...

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