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Chemoprophylaxis of close contacts of invasive cases of haemophilus influenzae: a review

Abstract: Background Chemoprophylaxis to close contacts is recommended in case of invasive infection with Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib). Since the introduction of generalized vaccination in 1993 in ...

Epidemiologie, risicofactoren en preventie van valincidenten bij ouderen in de eerstelijnszorg tijdens 2019-2021 in België. Keywords: Belgium Fall risks Falls General practice Service:  Étude ...

Épidémiologie, facteurs de risque et prévention des chutes chez les personnes âgées en soins primaires au cours de la période 2019-2021 en Belgique.

:// Keywords: Belgium Fall risks Falls General practice Health Topics:  Quality of ...

Lifestyle predictors of colorectal cancer in European populations: a systematic review

(2). The independent predictive contribution was generally greater when they were collected with greater detail, although a noticeable variation in effect size estimates for BMI, smoking and alcohol. ...

Evaluation of European Pollen Reanalysis

reanalysis is generally unbiased by its design. However, predictions in some individual years and at specific stations could manifest noticeable deviations, offset in other years. As a result, RMSE was mostly ...

Personalized bacteriophage therapy outcomes for 100 consecutive cases: a multicentre, multinational, retrospective observational study.

a positive clinical outcome (general efficacy) and performed a regression analysis to identify functional relationships. The most common indications were lower respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue, and bone ...

Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020

the ones of their genuine counterparts. In general, about 30% of the samples contained higher than permitted amounts of impurities. Concerning the dissolution tests, 58% of samples were not compliant as ...

The strategic change of the API fingerprint programme: from verification of authenticity of API sources to identifying potential quality issues

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Eric Deconinck; Jelena Acevska Source: OMCL Annual meeting, General session, EDQM, Issue EDQM, Ohrid, Republic of ...

Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and associated factors in the adult population of Belgium: a general population cohort study between March 2021 and April 2022

Arch Public Health, Volume 82, Issue 1 (2024) Keywords: adults antibodies Cohort study COVID-19 general population Abstract: BACKGROUND: This study assessed seroprevalence trends of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies ...

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