Zoekresultaten - 1121 results
The promotion of ultra-processed foods in modern retail food outlets in rural and urban areas in Kenya.
geographic location and the socio-economic status (SES) levels, the food items displayed for sale and advertised in the stores, and locations in the stores such as the entrance. SETTING: Three counties in ...
Chemical Characterization of Feminine Intimate Products an Extractables & Leachables Investigation
9 fragrances, 5 phthalates, 2 plastic additives, and 3 VOC s, with maximum levels of 28.22 µg/g (heliotropine), 100 ppb (DEHP), and 18 ppm (triethyl citrate). Additionally, menstrual sea sponges exhibited the ...
Physical activity on prescription in Belgium: General Practitioners’ involvement
a positive impact on PA levels and metabolic health. Furthermore, 94% of the Belgian population have contact with general practitioners (GP s), positioning them as potential key actors. Purpose To investigate ...
Illegal medicines observed in the EU
Sciensano, also on the European level a coordinated approach in the fight against illegal medicines exist within the General European Official Medicines Control Laboratory Network (GEON). The latter network is ...
Applying foresight research for drug policy: Lessons from the DRUG-PREP project
Foresight research includes a variety of methodologies, combining evidence-based analysis with creative and interactive approaches. In DRUG- PREP, national-level foresight was conducted in six European ...
FT-IR spectroscopy as a rapid method for Salmonella spp. typing
subspecies level a, which is crucial for the early management of foodborne outbreaks. However, implementing it in a routine laboratory requires the development of a standardized protocol due to the high ...
Overview of air quality measures aiming to reduce emissions from road traffic and mitigate health impact in Belgium
pollution levels in Belgium, a considerable part of the population is still exposed to concentration levels exceeding the WHO Air Quality Guidelines. Therefore, identifying and quantifying the effectiveness ...
The prevalence of pathogens in ticks collected from humans in Belgium, 2021, versus 2017.
platform for the notification of tick bites (TekenNet). Ticks were morphologically identified to species and life stage level and screened using multiplex qPCR targeting, among others, Borrelia burgdorferi ...
Sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Belgium: a nationwide record linkage study
levels of income and education, unemployed). Overall, the sociodemographic and socioeconomic disparities were comparable for all regions. Conclusions The identification of sociodemographic and ...
Assessment of receptor-mediated activity (AhR and ERα), mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of metal shredder wastes in Wallonia, Belgium.
wastes was further evaluated with zebrafish embryos. Except for the dust sample (site 2), all samples were found to be teratogenic as they returned teratogenic indexes (TI s) > 1. The high levels of ...