Search results - 176 results

Genetic immunisation of cattle against bovine herpesvirus 1: glycoprotein gD confers higher protection than glycoprotein gC or tegument protein VP8.

full-length gD. However, the enhanced immunogenicity associated with the secretion of gD could not be extended to the glycoprotein gC. The current study also describes for the first time the development and the ...

Analysis of foodborne disease in Belgium in 1997.

which most are foodborne. To set up priorities in the actions to undertake, to establish the most frequent risks, to develop preventive efforts and to answer to international requirements, accurate data ...

Knelpunten in aquacultuur: enkele risicovolle aspecten van de vroege levensstadia van de vis.

and can be avoided by a clear understanding of the development of the gastrointestinal system of the various fish species. Parameters, such as enterocyte height, the presence of enterocytic supranuclear ...

An Immunoperoxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) for the detection of lumpy skin disease antibodies.

Volume 277 (2020) Keywords: antibodies IPMA LSDV. Abstract: During this study a new Immunoperoxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) was developed for the detection of antibodies against lumpy skin disease virus ...

A TaqMan probe-based multiplex real-time PCR method for the specific detection of wild type lumpy skin disease virus with beta-actin as internal amplification control.

titers of the vaccine LSDV. To this end, a real-time PCR method targeting the EEV gene of LSDV was developed for the specific detection of WT strains, along with the use of beta-actin gene as an internal ...

Development and evaluation of a core genome multilocus sequence typing scheme for Paenibacillus larvae, the deadly American foulbrood pathogen of honeybees.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Alicia C Bertolotti; Eva Forsgren; Marc O Schäfer; EuroPLarva Consortium; Fabrice Sircoulomb; Nicolas Gaïani; Magali Ribière-Chabert; Laurianne Paris; Lucas, Pierrick; Claire de Boisséson; Joakim ...

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