Search results - 377 results

Fat-soluble vitamin intake from the consumption of food, fortified food and supplements: design and methods of the Belgian VITADEK study.

intake are needed to evaluate potential problems regarding inadequate intake at population level and to formulate effective public health and food safety recommendations. Assessing the intake of ...

Role of mucosal high-risk human papillomavirus types in head and neck cancers in central India.

information on the contribution of HPV infection is limited. Here, we evaluated the HPV-attributable fraction in HNC (N = 364) collected in a central region of India. HNC from three different anatomical ...

Dietary exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in young children and adults from the Belgian population (PASFOOD)

conventional strategy used by EFSA, that only apply a dilution factor from the concentration in the dry plant product to evaluate the contamination of the infusion. As a result, major discrepancies with ...

Development and validation of a protocol for optimizing the use of paraffin blocks in molecular epidemiological studies: The example from the HPV-AHEAD study.

A consensus histopathology evaluation form was developed by an international panel of pathologists and evaluated for four indicators in a pilot analysis in order to validate it: 1) presence/type of tumor ...

The HUMTICK study: protocol for a prospective cohort study on post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome and the disease and cost burden of Lyme borreliosis in Belgium.

norms. Additionally, information on the associated costs and possible risk factors for the development of PTLDS will be collected. DISCUSSION: A study of the health burden will allow evaluation of the ...

Spatial and temporal variations in airborne pollen in Europe.

the management and evaluation of this noxious plant. The study covers the full range of L. distribution over Europe (39°N-60°N; 2°W-45°E). Airborne pollen data for the principal flowering period of ...

Does air pollution trigger suicide? A case-crossover analysis of suicide deaths over the life span.

Abstract: In addition to underlying health disorders and socio-economic or community factors, air pollution may trigger suicide mortality. This study evaluates the association between short-term variation in ...

Accuracy of combinations of visual inspection using acetic acid or lugol iodine to detect cervical precancer: a meta-analysis.

with acetic acid (VIA) or with Lugol’s iodine (VILI) have been evaluated for cervical cancer screening in developing countries. OBJECTIVES: To assess the diagnostic accuracy and clinical utility of ...

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